Could you please reduce the minimum wager? As I know you had done this before even without minimum wager. And the winner was krunox.
sorry but this was not the same promo and krunox wagered always 2 satoshi. it was a bot promo for bot players only.
please take a good look at the promo text. we started with 50k Sat upped it to 100k Sat
and to 200k Sat then to 500k Sat because there were no takers and then our tired totolino
made a mistake and upped it instead to 0.01 to 0.1 and we always want to be fair
to our users didnt change it and krunox was the lucky winner.
now please do the maths and you will see that the minimum wager we are asking is 2000 Satoshi is a generous wager to win a Prize of 0.1 and the jackpot that would be in case of a 2k Satoshi bet 0.0559872
and as we have also higher wagers then 2k Sat those players would be eligible for the
prize if the post their username in thread
imagine a user will go for the 0.02 promo and would be automatically also in the
Jackpot promo (but needs to post his username in thread) for the same 2k Sat bet
but thanks for the posting because feedback is always welcome