Strawman transactions for political contributions are expressly illegal in the US. Although a corporation apparently has unlimited rights to donate as they please. See Citizens United. Or the American Crossroads group. Republican groups have long figured out how to dump millions of dollars into their candidates' coffers by cirumventing the law, so look to them for guidance.
That's all true, but don't forget to include a study of George Soros and other limousine liberals' use of Foundations to fund Democrat BS.
There's no way, short of sting operations, to prevent BitCoin billionaires from using poor Ron Paul supporters as donation cut-outs.
Maybe it's easier to just contribute to the grassroots and meet-ups than the official orgs.
That's all true, but don't forget to include a study of George Soros and other limousine liberals' use of Foundations to fund Democrat BS.
oh. did we forget that the left side of the aisle learned the foundation-funding trick from Cato, and numerous other conservative foundations - all of whom were there first?
however, it doesn't really matter to me.
and my compliments on your correct usage of the apostrophe.