The cryptocurrency for the city of Amsterdam.
Name/Ticker AmsterdamCoin/AMSConsensus type PoSAlgorithm SHA256Supply 145MMax Block Size 1MB
AmsterdamCoin Core V5 wallet releases:
https://txbit.io/Trade/AMS/BTChttps://txbit.io/Trade/AMS/ETHhttps://txbit.io/Trade/AMS/XLRUnfortunately, AmsterdamCoin is also listed on Yobit which is well known for their tremendously bad support and lack of updates. We have tried to reach Yobit numerous times to ask them for an update of our wallet. As expected, Yobit does not respond to our inquiries which results in permanent wallet maintenance and the inability to withdraw or deposit AmsterdamCoin from and to Yobit. Please do not send your AmsterdamCoin to Yobit. Do not even touch that exchange with a ten-foot pole as it is likely that you will lose all your funds.
HOW TO SWAP?HOW TO SWAP WITH TXBIT SWAP SERVICESTEP 1First of all, you need to download the new wallet and create a wallet to get a receiving address for the new coins:
STEP 2Click on the receiving button in your new wallet. In the Receive window, you will be given an address that you can copy by clicking the "Copy to Clipboard" button.
STEP 3Go to the Txbit.io Amsterdam Swap Service. Txbit account is not required to perform the swap.
GO TO SWAP SERVICESTEP 4Click on the button (IMAGE) and paste the that you got from your Amsterdam wallet. The new coins will be sent to this address. Please check the address!
STEP 5The system will generate a unique Amsterdam address for the old coins. Copy this address by clicking the 'copy address' button and transfer your old coins to this address.
You can send you old coins to the same generated address an unlimited amount of times.
STEP 6After 10 network confirmations of your old coin transfer, new coins will be sent you. Be patience...
HOW TO SWAP AMS WITH YOBIT?STEP 1First, you need to download the new wallet to get a receiving address for the new AmsterdamCoins.
Click on the receiving button in your new wallet. In the Receive window, you will be given an address that you can copy by clicking the "Copy to Clipboard" button.
STEP 2Go to your Yobit account and create a Yobicode for the desired amount that you want to swap.
STEP 3Send an e-mail with your new wallet address and Yobitcode to:
swap@amsterdamcoin.comSTEP 4We will use the Yobicode and send you the new coins to the address that you have sent to us by email.
