torusJKL - If you go to you will see I already have it available for download in epub format.
n2004al - Yes, what vengeful said is correct. After the initial flurry of interest, it will probably get very few downloads on my blog. Everybody who wants to read it will have read it already. By putting it on, it opens it up to millions of new readers. Amazon does not allow an author to price a book at $0, other than for a 7 day special promotion which I plan to do. I may eventually lower the price to 99 cents on Amazon, but I worry that may make the book seem less valuable, which causes people to appreciate it less. I can't keep giving it away for free on my blog and sell it on Amazon, if I want to be part of the KDP Select program (, which puts the book in Kindle Unlimited and Lending Library. Both of these services allow a huge number of people to read the book for free, and I still get paid a small free, just like music streaming sites such as Spotify pay an artist a few pennies every time you listen to their song. To be part of KDP Select, an author is not allowed to sell the book on any other site or to give it away for free anywhere. Once I am done giving it away on my blog, I will make the book part of KDP Select.
Also, one of the key factors to selling a book on Amazon is having a lot of reviews, so by giving the book away, it helps increase the number of reviews. Had I not given it away, there is a good chance it never would have received any reviews.