Im selling tons of Steam games
here is some of the list i have and the prices
2. Terraria 0.6 btc
3. Mafia II 1.7 btc
4. Skyrim what kind of skyrim? for 2.2 btc
5. Demolition, Inc. 0.6 btc
6. Inversion 2.3.btc
7. The Testament of Sherlock Holmes 2.3 btc
8. Sniper Elite v2 3.btc
9. Worms Blast 0.4 btc
10. Any/all of the Assassin's Creed games i got complete assasin creed =) let me know what you looking give me links and we can talk about the price ? offer okay?
11. Sleeping Dogs 3.0 btc
12. Batman: Arkham City1.2 btc
if you looking for more games let me know .. and we can talk about the prices .. if have it .. if i dont well sorry
anways willing to goes first to get good feedbacks unless you got more high feedback than me