COINXION Update from Daniel Spiteri ...
Its 6:15am here.. Monday morning
We are getting very close completion of our stage 1 developments and have started putting together our Marketing / Media Releases, New Social Media Platforms have been set up and our under contruction and Final Testing of the platform will begin next week..
We need to also bring to people attention the addition of the COINXION BOUNTY REWARD system that is currently being developed and will be available to use through our website from the day we go live.. Its aim is to assist with Marketing and help Coinxion go Viral very quickly.. With approx. potential value of $200+ Million in rewards to share its going to be very lucritive and exciting for alot of people.
The Bounty Reward system runs on points, points can be earns by completing numerous tasks such as Selling Products, Purchasing Products ,Marketing Products and Sharing Social Media links. Points can then be converted to the Coinxion Fuel Token at a rate of 10 points : 1 Token ( 1 gram of gold value ). As mentioned the rewards are high to boost our launch but they are also limited and may not last long..
This combined with our Media Releases and Affiliate Systems is going to cause alot of attention and hopefully bring alot of new members to Coinxion.. We are looking at a massive launch with the Aim to go Viral very quickly.. Members who wish to be involved need to start paying very close attention
There are 2 x Affiliate systems
1) Referral member - receive a % of referral members fee`s for life of referral members account
2) Product Marketing - Earn upto 20% of products value by marketing selected products advirtised by merchants
The Coinxion Web2 Platform is a ecommerce platform launching soon, similar to Ebay or Amazon. It will have its own fuel token that is matched to the price of 1 gram of gold through consensus of merchants and consumers. The Coinxion Web3 Dapp platform is begining development early 2018 which it will be on creating a 100% decentralised version of the Web2 platform.
The Coinxion platform will except most major cryptocurrencies to the platform opening up the doors to the majority of Crypto users. There is huge incentive for sellers, consumers and marketers to use the Coinxion platform help boost blockchain technology and support the industry. There has been no media releases to date and the development of Coinxion has been kept behind close doors, we have tried our hardest to keep it out of the wrong peoples attention until its been deployed.. If you are in this group then someone has told you by word of mouth, someone who who may have been introduced by another..
The Platfrom was originally concived and designed by GCR coin holders that were let down by the original GCR founders and developers, the GCR coin has always been the token/coin that would fuel Coinxion. Though due to lack of development and support for the GCR wallets and coins itself we had no choice but to develop a new set of tokens and smart contracts, the GCR coin now will be excepted on the Coinxion platform but your GCR coins will be converted to the new Coinxion fuel token at a rate of 1 : 1. So your GCR coins have just as much value as the new Coinxion fuel tokens only they are currently selling on Bittrex for 5 cents each. The GCR coins that are deposited into Coinxion and converted to a new Tokens will be placed into holding accounts and eventually destroyed, never to hit markets again."