wish I could help, but haven't gone through that before thankfully. How did it all turn out?
Not so good.
I read many boring blocks of text and learned basic terminal talk, the installed Xcode, Git and Homebrew.
Still there was no way to get Bitcoind to run.
I followed these instructions:
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/build-osx.mdFirst I got stuck at getting the correct OpenSSL-version (got OpenSSL 0.9.8y 5 Feb 2013) but then I found a way around this (changed were it got looked for by changing in $PATH.
But I never got by the step "Building bitcoind"…
Now I'm trying a windows app, Recoinvery
http://www.recoinvery.com, but no luck there yet, it seems to crash or look up…
It's only
BTC 3,99, but that is kind of a lot for me