"The people want this"
I'm so fucking tired of hearing this. I thought Bitcoin was exactly about putting a check on unreasonable people demand. Guess that was underestimating "the people"
you're being unreasonable.
bitcoin is about getting everyone to agree to the same rules.
this thread is about making that easier when changing the rules.
what other rules are up for debate .... ? shall we corral and brigade the mobs to clamour for permanent bitcoin inflation now that network fees are being rendered useless as a technology?
no, no one would agree to that, but it might be fun to put that to a vote and see how fast hashing power comes to the consensus that it shouldn't do this.
idk how about transaction manubility?
kinda hard to imagine there wont be anymore debating with the devs
maybe we wont have such a crazy debate as block size limit for a long time, but does not mean being able to poll the network couldn't help them make better decisions, maybe dev are going to run out of work once block size limit is implemented, who knows!