I want to explane how this work.When my domein is approved.Sreenshot for my acc:http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/941/6966818347.jpg
my domein is selected from baeyr and will be sold when will define how much money will pay for him.minimum is 500$.
domein worth 2200$ and first prize for sale is 166$.I must show screenshot of my ownership to continue sales procces.
What is the selling process?
1. Submit your domain.
2. We'll decide whether or not to Approve it.
3. If Approved, a designer will create a logo for your name.
4. It's then published for sale on Namerific.
5. Buyers can then view and purchase your domain(s).
6. Orders made are verified and funds are held in escrow.
6. We work with you to get the domain(s) transferred to the buyer.
7. Sales payments are then sent once transfers are completed.
8. Repeat
No one is going to give you the loan unless you give us valid collateral. Just because you promise to give us 50-50 doesn't mean that anything is forcing you to.