MineCoin (XMINE) - 100% proof of work - with love for minersNEW 30-08-2015:
- Ticker changed from MINE to XMINE
- Updated checkpoints
- Updated seed nodes
AboutMineCoin is made with love for miners. More and more coins these days are proof of stake only. We love our great miners that do the hard work to keep a network fast and secure. We should all realize that thanks to miners your transactions get confirmed and your coins are transfered fast.
As offensive we created MineCoin that allows only miners to earn coins through proof of work. MineCoin uses the good old Scrypt algorithm. The Scrypt algorithm has proven itself over many years and is one of the most friendly algorithms available.
This coin is all about having fun and earning coins with mining. Our goal is to be a commonly accepted currency with the advantage of a fast and secure network thanks to our miners.
In the beginning this coin will be tradable on Yobit exchange and will later be added to the major exchanges like Bittrex. Yobit needs about 2 days to add to coin, so please be a little patient. Meanwhile you can start mining and earn new MineCoins.
Please do not go mad and post all these negative messages. We are here to have fun and that is what this coin is all about. be friendly and polite to each other! We hope for some support of the community and to start off we have added some bounties.
Coin specificationsSymbol XMINE
Pure scrypt Proof of Work coin
84 Million coins available
Block reward 100 XMINE halving every 840000 blocks
30 seconds block time
RPC Port 42512
P2P Port 42511
https://github.com/CoinProjects/MineCoin/Mining poolsPool.mnExchangesSoon on

Later on all major exchanges like Bittrex
Bounties2000 XMINE for a nice logo design
10000 XMINE for a android wallet
2000 XMINE for paper wallets
2000 XMINE for Mac wallet
2000 XMINE for a faucet
Example MineCoin.Conflisten=1
rpcuser=<An very long username>
rpcpassword=<An incredible strong pasword>
Where to put the MineCoin.Conf file?
Windows %AppData%/MineCoin/minecoin.conf
Linux $HOME/.minecoin/minecoin.conf
Mac OSX $HOME/Library/Application Support/MineCoin/minecoin.conf
Happy mining