Very weird, one that gives an alert, one giving a, guess heuristic, maybe and all the others give ok.
And also it seems connected to some kind of advertising connected alert, when I'm searching for it...?
Will get back at this ASAP.EDIT: think this is due to heuristics (remember how often minerd gave alerts?) got a second opion from an expert, and the Eset one seems to be really easy triggerd. And that Asian one, don't know what to make of that. Have to say I still trust the majority of OK's here.
While using the WinX version in WINE I checked the TEMP folder, and no mysterious *.exe appearing, as they should, when the supposed threat were real and not heuristic wrong doing. Also the Windows7 computer is clean. But still will test it in XP too, in Virtual Box.
"a variant of Win32/BitCoinMiner.BJ". Yeah, most coins will test positive for that. Compliments of anti-virus companies thinking BitCoin is a virus..."
And only one still does, rest of online scanners do not.
An online scan of the former Slothcoin 1.3.0 gave a lot of alerts, still far from a majority and then I read the comments:
false positive as a result of outdated and unneeded IRC peer lookup in source from older bitcoin base
Think it is safe to state that Bumbacoin / PineApple did a nice, safe and clean build.
(And that Ahnlab_V3! (& Eset) should get their online heuristics engine straightened out, ASAP!)
Ran Slothcoin 1.3.1 build 3 also on WinXP in VirtualBox. Checked everything that would have come to the surface.
And came to a final conclusion, supported by the overwelming majority of best known scanners out there:
Slothcoin 1.3.1b3 is OK! EDIT4:
Did a full scan in Windows XP in Virtual Box yesterday, using an up to date AVIRA AntiVir, Spyware Search & Destroy, MalwareBytes and Emisoft Emergency Kit, and that also confirmed: CLEAN.
Let's get Slothin'!