Hello SearchTrade. I've bought a few of your keywords in the pre-sale and am very into your whole concept/ethos.
But can you explain your following sentence?
Our expectation is over time payout may decrease but increased searches may help increase income from keywords.
I do not understand why you expect payout over time to decrease, and I certainly didn't expect payout to decrease when I spent 0.4 BTC for one keyword
You mention searches 'may' help increase income, yet as far as I can work out, a search won't help anything, advertisers that pay SearchTrade and are targeting specific keywords on the other hand, will. Is this correct? If not, why not?
Which leads me onto my next question,
If person A has the keyword 'Hotel' yet person B has the keyword 'Five' and person C has 'Star', and the person searching writes 'Five star hotel', yet the advertiser has purchased to show hotel ads on the 'Hotel' keyword search, will person A, B & C both receive equal revenue?
You mention a yearly fee for keyword renewal, what is your ballpark estimate for that yearly cost? This is an important question as there's little point, investment wise, in purchasing a keyword that will not make back it's purchase price let alone yearly fee. I'd like to buy more of the keywords, but I have to know it's a financially sound decision.
And lastly,
Will there be a higher payout rate for those keyword owners that own desirable ad keywords which advertisers pay for ad placement, rather than to those who own keywords where advertising revenue generated from it is unlikely. For example:
'Discount' may generate good advertising revenue...
'Strange' will likely generate minimal (if any) ad revenue.
Can you give an example of potential payout rates for each (ballpark is fine.)