How do portuguese banks work with bitcoin?
- They don't. They don't recognize Bitcoin as a payment currency.
Is it safe to trade bitcoin with bank transfers?
- Had no problem, so far.
Is there any portuguese card that will work with bitcoin? Like xapo or advcash?
- No.
Is there any cards in Portugal that could fit in what we are looking for in this thread? No - all accounts must be identified with what we call as NIF (Fiscal Identification Number) for taxes and money laundering purposes.
Please tell me all prepaid cards that you know.
- Neteller, Xapo, OKPay
If there are please also contribute directly in that thread.
How easy do you think it would be to approach a bank and ask them to issue a prepaid card with your logo and tailored to your needs?
- Barclays card did it for Barclays (They are not affiliated with Barclays) but might not be that easy.