We at bit4coin (
https://bit4coin.net) had a long discussion early this year about how to contribute to the bitcoin community (besides building a sustainable business). One of the things where we saw potential for improvement was the availability of images and artwork about bitcoin. Especially in main stream media, we grew tired of seeing the same images over and over again.
To address this issue, we came up with the Bitcoin Photo Contest:
https://bit4coin.net/bitcoin-photo-contestThe idea is simple:
- Anybody can submit bitcoin photos or artwork, as long as they own the rights and the images are related to Bitcoin
- bit4coin sponsors the prizes: €1000 for the winner, €500 for 2nd place, €250 for 3rd (in BTC as bit4coin vouchers)
- Anybody can like (=upvote) images
- Every photo has a BTC address, so visitors can tip artists and upvote with BTC as well
Check it out and submit your own Bitcoin photos, or upvote other artwork - or even send a few tips to artists in BTC

Dolf (CEO bit4coin)