er I'm confused...says you can join as an 'avatar' campaign....but has a end of msg 'banner' sig code on the 1st page?
also ..some issues on payment?
some clarity here and you might get an avatar on my page...*not seeing a lot of feedback from op on issues as of yet*
anyway...waiting on the reply to 'trim this all up'
what do you mean by "has an end of msg 'banner' sig code on the first page?". OP rarely visits here so you have to wait for a really really long time I think
well i see you don't have the below sig I see on the front page on your msg as an end of msg tag...i guess that answers that..saw some folk with actual coinut sig
again ..I guess issues with OP and issues with the payment (even thou it is dust) etc etc If the OP replies on here I may get motivated to change Avatar..but if no OP
and even more issues on pay....maybe I'll just lurk...we will see I guess what comes from my request for info
and what others say on here ya/nay or shrug ..on putting an Avatar from these folk up