WTF are you guys talking about? I'm not seeing any paywall anywhere, and the donate page has a Bitcoin address, same as it always did.
Yes I know the donate page has a Bitcoin address as always (sad that it's not more prominent - but at least it's there)
This thread was about the paywall which *was* in place in front of actual document downloads.
It's been removed now. Possibly partly because many people were going apoplectic about it on twitter etc.
Wikileaks has tweeted:
"A tweet, share, wait or donate campaign is not a "paywall". You can read about our blockade and funding systems here: "
This strikes me as dishonest - because when the wall was in place - it really did funnel you to a button for CC donation before you could proceed.
(well - apparently you could still get docs for free by disabling javascript)
There were no 'tweet share or wait' options at the time I looked at it - and no option to use Bitcoin (or any other payment method than CC) to proceed.
edit: There is an image of it in this article about the whole thing: even had pics of credit cards in the background - It almost looked like an advertisement for visa/mastercard.