i am running a dsp-2000bb and efficiency at load is 92%, els around 96% so this means this should be platinium? while it is only silver ratad?
the big one is rated at 96% load efficiency and 98% not full loaded and this is platinium, so this should be like super platinium?
If there was a rating it should be
. I am very with my PSU's they are good quality, and a ton of PCIe cables. Which is nice for newer bitmain products.
So add all of that and quality, it really is a great product overall.
I've made mine, i puted home wiring cables directly from contactes they fitted perfectly that i didn't even need to solder.
But on the end i had to make some wiring for the Pci-e molex and the home wires are to fat and hard so wired some 18awg cables from an old psu.
Tought the 18awg cables get hot it's working great, only pulling 1kw from the psu but it's been really good on the clocks and frequency nothing to comaplain
I did look onto this PSU , but for the price i prefer to wire my own Power supply , i did pay like 50us for my psu and wiring was completly done for free .