I'm building a combined mining/gaming rig for my father. I'll be using a Radeon HD 6950 as the primary video card (for its gaming performance, of course), and two HD 5830s for cheap hashing power. Presumably when he's firing up a game he'll pause the mining on the 6950 and then resume it when he's done. Oh, and the OS will be Windows 7 64 bit.
The PSU I'm thinking of is a 950 W one by PC Power & Cooling:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817703028And the motherboard has 3x PCI 16x slots:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157207The rest of the system isn't really as relevant for mining purposes, but will include a hard drive, an optical drive, a pretty good AMD processor, and 8 GiB RAM.
So, the main question is, assuming I stick it all in a case with enough fans, is the PSU going to be sufficient to power those three video cards along with everything else? Is the motherboard going to take it? Can Windows 7 handle this? Is there anything I haven't considered that I should think about? (Dummy plugs?)
Thanks guys!
ASROCK mobo is AWESOME! Onboard on/off switch with LED clock info and a flash bios reset outside the mobo! (rear panel)
the mobo supports 3 pci-e slots, as long as you keep the cards cool your good. Look into the wattage for the cards (i think(
I knwo the 5830 each take up ~170 watt Im nto sure about the 6950 should be weaker. I think 950w shoudl be sufficient, just add all the wattage together and keep about ~100-150 gap so you dont break your PSU.