First Peer-Reviewed Academic Bitcoin Journal, Ledger, Launches and Issues Call for PapersLedger, a new peer-reviewed scholarly journal, will publish full-length original research articles on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as any relevant intersections with mathematics, computer science, engineering, law and economics. Ledger will be published online on a quarterly basis by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, as an open-access journal. This is awesome!
From here: signatures and blockchain time stamps
In an effort to promote the use of digital signatures and blockchain technology, the Corresponding Author is strongly encouraged to sign the file hash of the final version of their manuscript. This signatures imply that each author has seen and approved the paper’s content, and is aware of the responsibilities connected with authorship. Authors are encouraged to associate a Bitcoin address (or PGP public key) with their identity. The bitcoin address for the Corresponding Author should be included on the first page of the manuscript. Prior to publication, a member of the journal’s staff will verify the digital signatures and then timestamp the file’s hash in the Bitcoin blockchain, thereby generating irrevocable proof that the manuscript existed on this date.
This is future of academic journals and peer review!