Perhaps the creator could have taught us all how PPC worked before it launched. IMO him not disclosing all the details and answering all the FAQs before launching is equivalent to PUMP and DUMP. It gives him an unfair advantage on how to trade/hold coins.
Bullshit in my book.
I have no obligation to release it months/years beforehand so copycats can jump on us. It's your problem if you can not fathom of all the difficulties a designer has to go through in order to bring something to the market. It's fair enough in my book ppcoin has no premine nor tax reserved for developers.
The programming job on ppcoin already cost around $100k-200k if you know what good programmers cost these days, this does not even include the innovations we bring forth which does not have a price on it.So feel free to continue trolling. What have you done for cryptocurrency other than trashing other people's hard work?
So he thinks that the development time put into PPC is $100k-200k yet he says the following...Ohnoes the invisible carrot on the invisible stick, again. Learn to take a joke, brah, or don't fuel the fire.
I am only putting my honest opinion of the work. If you cannot take it or think the type of work in ppcoin does not worth the amount I estimated, I would say that's probably a good indication that you are not anywhere close to a true professional level.
I would also rate the programming job of Satoshi worth $1m (not including his innovations just the quality of programming) and annual programming job of Bitcoin development team around $500k - $1m as well.
If you have no idea how much is the cost of software programming for critical infrastructure work well you are probably just another armchair designers in my honest opinion.
I call this obvious EGO and an outright LIE. Nice try in PUMPING up PPC by overestimating how much development time went into it. Your devlopment into PPC is worth 20% of bitcoin development? TALK ABOUT EGO MORE SUNNY, PLEASE....this is pure comedy.