So, right now I'm making a MUD using a little VPS I got from
NoCroomI'm working on it while I'm away from my usual workstation, and I guess I'll be pegging the currency in the
game to Bitcoin? I'd like a few suggestions and maybe some help from the community as well.
Just hit me up here with a reply stating that you want to help, and what you can offer.
For details on what we'll be doing anyway, send me a PM or an email to
smallstratos@hotmail.comWHAT IM SURE OFI'm making the theme the as the Spanish Occupation in the Philippines
QUESTIONS1. What should 1 gold (or whatever) be equal to in Bitcoin?
2. Since I'm not that much of a whiz, how do you suggest I allow cash-outs?
3. Would anyone like to help out?
Thanks and Regards,
JM Erestain