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Author Topic: [ANN] StrongHands - Hybrid PoS/PoW Min Stake - 30 days  (Read 79812 times)
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June 15, 2018, 12:12:36 PM

Tell me, please, such question, whether dividends will be added to holders of tokens of the given project?
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June 15, 2018, 01:01:04 PM

[ANN]⚡⚡🔒[PRiVCY]🔒⚡⚡[Free Airdrop - Starts 9th June]...
[ANN]⚡⚡🔒[PRiVCY]🔒⚡⚡[Free Airdrop - Starts 9th June]✅[Bounty]✅[PoW/POS]✅
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June 19, 2018, 06:09:41 PM

StrongHands  block explorer and faucet added to CryptoGuru  Cheesy

This means you can earn 50000 FREE SHND DAILY from crypto guru  FAUCET.
now we have two faucets : one from tradesatoshi and one from crypto guru.
A new user can earn combined a DAILY 150000 SHND.

P.S. Do not forget ..this a POS coin. Install a windows wallet and stake this coin about 100% per month.
30 days minimum staking period....because...we all know why....
Only the strongest hands will win...

I recommend Bumba wallet from here :
To synchronise wallet, put some nodes into Stronghands.conf file.
You can find nodes here :
Where are the faucets now?

...    Play Live Games with up to 20% cashback!...██
JacksonBriggs (OP)
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June 26, 2018, 03:56:42 PM

yall got the strong hands after all

I'm so proud of what yall have become even in the face of peril.

My hands are stronger than yours.
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June 26, 2018, 09:51:52 PM

yall got the strong hands after all

I'm so proud of what yall have become even in the face of peril.

Wow is it really the man, the myth, the legend Mr. Briggs!! If you are the original creator of SHND i would love for you to reach out to me via message or please feel free to join the SHND community discord!!

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June 28, 2018, 12:36:17 PM

Listing on Bitexlive (27 June)
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July 21, 2018, 03:55:29 AM

please note that there was a community takeover of SHND numerous months ago
please view new thread at

go to
ask for a voucher

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July 30, 2018, 12:30:21 PM

hmm interssting is this coin stil minable ?if so then where ?
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September 05, 2018, 03:37:32 AM

What is the highest reward? Coin quite impressive and we do not need a virtual wallet. Roll Eyes
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September 15, 2018, 07:45:05 AM

I try to install a Coinserv pool, but I have a wallet error:
Unable to resolve type: CoiniumServ.Pools.NetworkInfo ---> System.Exception: There was a problem deserializing the response from the coin wallet. ---> Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path 'error', line 3, position 12.

Can someone help?

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October 21, 2018, 06:39:59 AM

I think I understand why people want to buy SHND.
SHND is the opposite of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most expensive coin in the world and SHND is the cheapest coin in the world.
You can buy 1 million SHND with USD cents.
Bitcoin is for the richiest people, but SHND is for the masses.
So, let us talk about the democracy.  It comes from the greek...demos kratos.
The power is in the hand of people.
StrongHands means democracy because every man on earth can obtain 200 k SHND a day for free ( from tradesatoshi and cryptogury faucets)
But...these are only my opinions.

Let us see the SHND community opinion :
Please vote!

This is funny.  And you might just be correct here.

I don't know about the masses . . .  . maybe for the poorest people.]

Perhaps bitcoin is 1st world, and stronghands is the ghetto third world, where prostitutes line the streets, and dealers with cocaine vials are standing nearby.

Count me in.  

fwiw, I'm still holding staking away.

A prostitute is a prostitute regardless of whether she is walking the streets in the 'ghetto' or on her back in a fancy hotel. Cocaine dealers are cocaine dealers regardless of whether they are on the street corners slanging crack or powder  or wheeling and dealing crack and powder in a fancy mansion.

Bitcoin is global even in what you call "ghetto third world". I only know of one world.

As far as stronghands ... if the goal isn't to make it a mass adoption cryptocurrency, then what good is it? Does it have the potential to increase in value significantly?  The name "stronghands" was  chosen because they emphasize "loyalty" and "hodling". You can't be a mass adoption coin if you're all about hodling a coin as a store value for the future.

With that said, I read the new white paper. I am a strong advocate of cryptocurrency mass adoption.  I use the aircoin app and it has motivated me to walk 2 hours almost every day collecting coins ... kinda like pokemon go but I treasure hunt for coins.  My abs are getting that 6-pack look again so I credit them for getting me off the computer and out smelling the roses ... well .. out walking.  I like their "solve obesity" approach using QRcodes, etc.  I believe their mission goes hand in hand with Aircoin's mission.

I want to recommend that Stronghands contact the aircoin guys. They have about 25 or so cryptos in their mobile app that we encounter on our walks.  Being added to that mobile app could give Stronghands more exposure which is what they need in terms of marketing.  These guys are in twitter and very visible and transparent.

Enjoy your day!
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October 21, 2018, 06:50:28 AM

With trillion of coins circulating, is there any plan for a counter-inflationary coin swap? I see there is SHMN for master nodes at 500000 to 1. Is this the swap?

Because even with the writing of a whitepaper, etc, as long as trillions of coins are circulating with 100% staking per month, it just ain't happening.  That is bad economics, folks.

Twenty Four Seven
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November 05, 2018, 05:32:48 PM

With trillion of coins circulating, is there any plan for a counter-inflationary coin swap? I see there is SHMN for master nodes at 500000 to 1. Is this the swap?

Because even with the writing of a whitepaper, etc, as long as trillions of coins are circulating with 100% staking per month, it just ain't happening.  That is bad economics, folks.


Current stake reward is fixed at 500,000 SHND.
It is not 100% staking per month.
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November 23, 2018, 03:25:45 PM

Yesterday i bought 3.700.000.000 stronghands, sent to my wallet. This happened in pices of 100.000.000. Now i wanted to put all in 1 input and sent to an adress and wallet crashed. Can not start it again. Any suggestions?

The SHND wallet can send maximum 1 billion SHND. If you are rich and  try to send over 1 billion, the wallet will crash.
The only way to recover is to open database and delete all files EXCEPT wallet.dat and syncronize the wallet again.
If you want to syncronize wallet more fast, download the blockchain from here :
As I know there is a  coin wallet that does permit transaction over 1 billion, created by Bumba.

  Bumba wallet from here :
To synchronise wallet, put some nodes into Stronghands.conf file.
You can find nodes here :

-The problem occured with the Bumba wallet (actually, there is no other wallet to find, links to other ones are not working).
-Tried all that b4 without succes, if i move wallet.dat somewhere else, wallet opens without a problem.
-Why would you allow transactions to be made if the wallet is broken and coins lost for good goes beyond me...

i'm aware there is some problem with my wallet. i'm not sure what it is tbh.

but the major problem with the code is that with if the combined transaction is over 2billion you will bork your wallet,
(all inputs add to over 2 billion) - this is a bug that exists historically in bitcoin code (however it only presents in large coinsupplies as an issue).
in which case you will need to extract your privkey and import it into an empty wallet.

you will find somewhere in this thread, a wallet-qt i built which should handle borken wallets from large transactions (it is only useful for this purpose),
this should load your wallet.dat, then you can extract your private key,
then you can import that into an empty wallet.

moral of this post,
dont create transactions that bork your wallet

Where's the QT wallet? Please, i need my private keys of 808 coin
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November 23, 2018, 04:58:32 PM

Bumba, I use your "IncreaseMaxMoney" wallet, the wallet.dat open, but the adress is diferent(address appears as stronghands)

Could you create an IncreaseMaxMoney for the 808 wallet? The github is here:

Thanks for the attention
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December 10, 2018, 11:43:21 AM

whats staking website of SHND and staking rate of SHND?

any response would be appreciated.

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January 12, 2019, 07:00:53 PM

Hello all. I have SHND. but masternode with SHMN. Can't masternode with SHND? If SHND masternode can be done, how and where we can do it. 1000 pieces of SHMN masternode can be done. SHND and SHMN are not the same coin? can someone inform me?
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June 26, 2019, 03:53:06 AM

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January 09, 2020, 02:29:24 AM

wallet wont connect , coin explorer does not list add nodes.
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