Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 03, 2018, 03:45:26 PM |
well that my wallet will at least connect and try to sync Now it does not do anything
INSTRUCTIONS: https://youtu.be/StT5-tXh01s

Activity: 179
Merit: 10
January 03, 2018, 03:48:20 PM |
Does anyone know what the problem is with not mining?  user and password must be same as rpcuser and rpcpassword in yr stronghands.conf you can also specify rpcport (in conf file) to whatever you like for easiness --- i must admit to pleasant surprise as to the longetivity of this coin. i thought it would have died many moons ago  I have a stronghands.conf but i don't have a password and username in it. Can someone show his config file here so that i can check how it supose to be? I have only the Addnodes in my file lol. rpcallowip= rpcuser=igor rpcpassword=x server=1 daemon=1 rpcport=6902 port=6901 but the miner can not connect. What rpcport do you use?
January 03, 2018, 04:01:09 PM |
For those of you looking at the numbers and the current price with possibility to rise in the future, the total coin supply on Coinmarketcap says 12.3 billion, but that is wrong. According to the blockchain data the supply is 10.695.158.520.622 That is 10 trillion, 695 billion, 158 million, 520 thousand, 622 please keep that in mind It also shows that 94,71% of all coins are sitting in the Top100 wallets. https://richlist.cryptobe.com/StrongHands
Full Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 102
Beam me up!
January 03, 2018, 06:09:26 PM |
What do you expect for this coin when you look at the massive amount of coins in circulation?
I made this mistake by looking at the large amount of Ripple on the market. I decided not to invest because of this huge amount. See where the price has come now.
Full Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 102
Beam me up!
January 03, 2018, 06:17:03 PM |
What is the concept of this coin??? How are you trying to be unique in the coin marketplace???
The great differential of this currency is its users, who must have Strong Hands, unlike the other currencies, whose users are hand of lettuce. 

Activity: 179
Merit: 10
January 03, 2018, 08:36:34 PM |

Activity: 110
Merit: 10
January 03, 2018, 08:57:58 PM |

Activity: 350
Merit: 10
January 04, 2018, 02:22:51 AM |
there is a telegram channel: https://t.me/StrongHandsand there is a discord discussion group: https://discord.gg/rts5QPQthere is a new airdrop going on in the discord channel - read the pinned message says 'Everyday 5 people will get 1M Stronghands' I tried the wallet and it is working fine, just paste the .conf file in the %appdata% folder and it start syncing.
Bitcoin Brazil
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
January 04, 2018, 04:52:53 AM |
Good Morning everyone. Could you guys help me with SHND? I can't find a way to get a wallet. I have IOS.

Activity: 538
Merit: 17
So many books, so little time
January 04, 2018, 06:59:13 AM |
don't buy this coin, this coin is dead, xp will reach 50 dogecoin but this will be worth of 0.00001 dogecoin in the future Total Supply Comparison:
12,390,920,701 SHND 1,733,980,126,724 SPRTS 1,841,395,638,392 DCN
Strong hands total supply is less than SPRTS & DCN. I will keep buying this coin.
Consider Donations: BTC 17ox7CoDkfwM9bpTXvnhH1YJAy1Cproa7D - Has any whale the power to donate a penny by considering 1000BTC=$1? (Consider "penny") ETH:: 0xa0ad5e0e8fc86a8440992ad57b201fadefbaf595 (Not for whales, but for crypto lovers to donate me eth or tokens)
Full Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 102
Beam me up!
January 04, 2018, 07:03:15 AM |
Good Morning everyone. Could you guys help me with SHND? I can't find a way to get a wallet. I have IOS.
Creio que a carteira por enquanto é somente para Windows. Veja na página oficial: https://www.facebook.com/SHNDCoin/ 💪

Activity: 538
Merit: 17
So many books, so little time
January 04, 2018, 07:11:22 AM |
It is time to sell all the coins dump SHND to 0.00000001 dogecoin so the wallets those are holding should only receive their investment back For those of you looking at the numbers and the current price with possibility to rise in the future, the total coin supply on Coinmarketcap says 12.3 billion, but that is wrong. According to the blockchain data the supply is 10.695.158.520.622 That is 10 trillion, 695 billion, 158 million, 520 thousand, 622 please keep that in mind It also shows that 94,71% of all coins are sitting in the Top100 wallets. https://richlist.cryptobe.com/StrongHands
Consider Donations: BTC 17ox7CoDkfwM9bpTXvnhH1YJAy1Cproa7D - Has any whale the power to donate a penny by considering 1000BTC=$1? (Consider "penny") ETH:: 0xa0ad5e0e8fc86a8440992ad57b201fadefbaf595 (Not for whales, but for crypto lovers to donate me eth or tokens)

Activity: 110
Merit: 10
January 04, 2018, 02:12:44 PM |
What? , 1 trillion of SHND is just 1kk usd.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
January 04, 2018, 02:57:42 PM |
hi! does anyone know how to sync wallet shnd for Windows
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
January 04, 2018, 03:10:09 PM |
What? , 1 trillion of SHND is just 1kk usd.
actually you need 100k usd to buy 1trilhon

Activity: 110
Merit: 10
January 04, 2018, 03:32:44 PM |
What? , 1 trillion of SHND is just 1kk usd.
actually you need 100k usd to buy 1trilhon 0.0001doge * 1000.000.000.000SHND = 100.000.000Dogecoins * 0.01usd = 1.000.000usd , still thinking i'm right.
Full Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 102
Beam me up!
January 04, 2018, 06:09:39 PM |
What? , 1 trillion of SHND is just 1kk usd.
actually you need 100k usd to buy 1trilhon 0.0001doge * 1000.000.000.000SHND = 100.000.000Dogecoins * 0.01usd = 1.000.000usd , still thinking i'm right. If I remember math class well, it would be like this ... 1 SHND = 0.000001 US$ > 1,000,000 SHND = 1.00 US$ > 1,000,000,000 SHND = 1,000.00 US$
January 04, 2018, 06:47:31 PM |
What? , 1 trillion of SHND is just 1kk usd.
actually you need 100k usd to buy 1trilhon 0.0001doge * 1000.000.000.000SHND = 100.000.000Dogecoins * 0.01usd = 1.000.000usd , still thinking i'm right. If I remember math class well, it would be like this ... 1 SHND = 0.000001 US$ > 1,000,000 SHND = 1.00 US$ > 1,000,000,000 SHND = 1,000.00 US$ . Think you right!