in thinking about how to create a sustainable Bitcoin Bank, I focused on a few key things:
1) keep the operating costs super low except in areas where there is a unique and important consumer value proposition
2) make it easy to access the bank and your balances within the context of low operating costs
3) keep the fees charged to customers as low as possible
4) allow third parties to build busineses on top of our business
hmm... that sounds pretty much exactly like as it exists
1) Probably low, since they can operate on a 1% fee for conversion in/out of USD
2) ACH transfer to/from any US bank account
3) 1% USD-BTC conversion fee. Free BTC in/out, free BTC transfer to any other Coinbase user
4) Free API for 3rd party platform integration
Regarding BTC lending: Maybe in a few years when things stabilize, but
no traditional lending model is remotely viable with current rate exchange flutuations. What could you charge in interest? Let's see... maybe 7%/week?... Anyone remember BTCST? lol.
Or how about 0%? Anyone ever get their 'investment' back from the sharia-based Islamic Bank of Bitcoin? (yes, there actually was one)