Download: the setup
Navigate to:
C:\Users\{Your Username}\AppData\Roaming\PPCoin
If not already there, create a file called ppcoin.conf with whatever text editor you prefer.
To the ppcoin.conf file using any user/password combination you would like. I would suggest at least a 24 character long password.
Save the file as plain text and make sure windows does not try and be "helpful" by adding a extension to your extension. (For example: ppcoin.conf.txt).
While it is true that the official ppcoin client is command line only, Tittiez has converted the BTC QT client to work with PPC: file can be downloaded at: work with the official client, open a command prompt to the wherever the PPC client was installed and run the ppcoind.exe.
You could also navigate to it , right click the ppcoind.exe and "Run as administrator"
Normally located at:
64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\PPCoin\daemon
32 bit C:\Program Files\PPCoin\daemon
In both cases just minimize the window afterword to allow it to run in the background.
Basically the same as running the BTC client in a nogui daemon mode. The PPC client is basically the BTC client modified to run PPC.
To issue commands, open a command line to it and simply run the ppcoind.exe {command}
For example: ppcoind getinfo
I just use the qt client most of the time for everyday use.
For mining setup is pretty much the same as BTC. Just add to the ppcoin.conf:
server =1
If you are using miners that are on the local network , but not local on the machine. Set the ip address to any range you want with * as a wild card. For example 172.16.1.*
The miner itself you setup the same as BTC just use port 9902 instead of the BTC port.
For example with cgminer ran locally on the same machine as the daemon:
rpc username
rpc password
I will work on a more formal guide over the next few days and publish it.
If you need a guide for linux, let me know and I will type up a quick one in this thread.
Basically the same setup as BTC only
are required in the ppcoin.conf located in the .ppcoin folder