The copy is this:
Username: reyhiesa
But I don't know which of my posts he copied, as it could have been one of several from that thread. Maybe it was the one I made the day before:
Username: reyhiesa
Numerous Alt's have been discovered when a user is logged into one account and posted as another.
All of the Alt's I connected criss-cross with posts using another Alt's wallet, Twitter name or account name or some other method such as email phone number, skype, the list is endless.
This reminds me of
Champion Of PvP Humb begging and pleading to have the negatives removed in much the same way their Alt
Humbertin19_ / ser1ck had done.
From bms2013 using the user name SvintuS to claim then there's Desert Flame using your name yet in my first post I can link one to the next to the next across to the first to the next. Desert Flame deleted one post with a wallet used by ozgr which is how this all started... go refresh your memory. today you are *still* posting near daily in the 777Coin thread your user namer
username: reyhiesa
The very same 777Coin thread some/most of the others are in from memory.
It'll be interesting to see where these funds end up (locked thread), me, me! Smiley
Address: 1Lw7fDYkSH3DCoeF2psKT1zd6BfJvH2MJn
(and don't bother sending them to me - thanks all the same)...
I think your refusal to divulge why you daily post in the 777Coin thread along with this^ That doesn't matter. If you didn't post frequently since you registered, you didn't get the activity. I think you need to post once every two weeks minimum to be able to get the activity later. It's not just about having 120 posts, but when you made them.
and this're right, but trust from someone in default trust can also be fake or exaggerated. I don't know if that happens here but when I was searching for a new campaign I read of some that don't automatically refuse you because you have trusted negative. They look to see if it is really because of scams or not.
...and this one too'm joining this campaign too. They don't pay as well as others, but the system they have here for accepting members and payments looks much better than those that make you wait for days before knowing if you're in or not.
A question: I like making posts in games and rounds, but I'm not going to get kicked out of the campaign because of them, right? They just don't pay them, right?
yes you are right, post in the games and rounds section wont get you kicked out of this campaign, you will only dont recieve payment on your posts there
Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure because of the:
- Only constructive posts!
If majority of the posts is in off-topic sections, bump, spam, few words, picture - you will be banned forever.The quote within a quote where you claim to be
I like making posts in games and rounds
but you don't - just the one post day after day. only other time
is mentioned any where in the entire BCT is here which just happens to be a Russian language thread which SvintuS posts prolifically to here. (As are the other Alt's).
Peкoмeндyю для вcex любитeлeй caтиpы и пpocтo oтмeннoгo юмopa- мyльтик
Pик и Mopти тoлькo в пpaвильнoм пepeвoдe или нa aнглийcкoм, инaчe yжe нe тa aтмocфepa.
Глянyл я тaки "Tepминaтop". Hy xoть чтo-тo вмeняeмoe пocлe 4-й чacти. Xoтя кacтинг мнe вcё paвнo нe нpaвитcя:
Capa- мaлoлeткa, Кaйл- бyгaй, Кoннop- cмopчoк кaкoй-тo. Mнoгo пpикoлoв co Швapцeм и oтcылoк в тe чacти.
Кaк выйдeт нa блюpe- пepecмoтpю.
Capa и впpaвдy мaлoвaтa, a Pиз yж cлишкoм кpyпнoвaт для cвoeй ecтecтвeннoй cpeды oбитaния, гoлoднoe пoлнoe cтpeccoв вpeмя, c пepвoй чacтью
никaк нe cpaвнить, пepвaя чacть cмoтpeлacь бoлee peaльнo. Я бы ceйчac cxoдил нa 1 и 2 чacть в aймaкc.
Even just searching
tt2861424 comes up just these two times...
You have quite a number of posts concerning religion, military and Aliens/UFO's with similar themes to the posts by your Alt's.
(have I really got to post examples of those too?)