Posting this here as it seemed more fitting.
To make markets more followable, understandable and chartable, there is work to be done. Such as adding a price column to trades. For trades that execute in multiple prices it is more complicated, but maybe it could be done so that it shows volume weighted average price. Also, adding API access to query change log and/or trade log would be great for the nerds out there.
Have to agree on this point. It was one of the main items I mentioned in an earlier "wish list" post of mine [shared below]. I get the double entry changelog system, but it is very foreign to new players and most don't want to manually do the math to see what items sold for via in-game currency M before.
Enchanced Agora GUI:The trading engine is very elegant, but I feel that getting it more on the level of Poloniex/Bittrex when it comes to charts and graphs could be helpful. Sort of like what CK Jester was trying to do, but with clearer analytics. While they don't get as much volume anymore, I always felt Bittrex had more useful charts than Poloniex or other sites. Timeline with historical candle and volume charts. Order book depth. And ownership distribution. Graphical assets would be pretty easy to obtain from places like Envato.
Trollbox:Self explanatory. Accessible within the website and perhaps linked up to IRC in some way.
3D Map/Buildings:I'm not saying go crazy at this point with graphics and adding real-time player navigation. I actually think CK is going about the whole "world" building smartly in that graphics can be a timesink that do not contribute to game depth (just look at all the "pretty" games out there that fail to capture attention). However, was looking at the Gilded Goose build in Minecraft that's available on the news board and have to say, I think at least setting up the game logic so that we can see exterior, block-based, static graphics would be a good move.
I already see something like this with the "future building editor" available on lot details pages, but I am curious if there is a way to take information from "edit lot" and "building editor" pages and just have a very basic block-based world. Again, don't need interiors, just mainly walls, windows, roofs, and whatever that can be standardized. Pick some block graphics to represent the different building materials. Would make for a killer impression on the game world/map if viewers could "explore" this static 3D world. Could even utilize one of the many open source Minecraft codebases for the graphics side.
Quests Rambling:Don't know if you ever played "Majesty," but in that game, you were the ruler of a kingdom and rather than directly controlling your troops/characters, you set up "bounties" for them to do things like explore, attack, etc. They then returned to your kingdom and spent their earned money on weapons, potions, etc.
It was unique as usually in RPG games, you go around the world and take quests and the like based on how the game has been designed. Imagine if we had something where all the quests, merchants, etc. eventually are "owned" or "controlled" by real players. So if you think of a game like WoW, that first NPC that gives you a quest and buys goods isn't just "there" but instead part of a complex financial world. Not sure what you have in mind for quests (I'm sure it's better), but just some thoughts...