Much in progress I think the last official Rulebook is from October a year ago, so it's about time to update.
In our new governance logic, there will be a few documents that govern what happens in the game and dictate the rightful relations between the game and the gamers.
Prior notice on what should be expected to happen on certain situations (the "TOS" in the most binding context)Rulebook (somewhat less strict, but enumerating all the burdens the game institutions have heaped on themselves on the gamer's benefit, and opening up of the main game concepts)
Wiki (a comprehensive, community-made, not authorised, not binding source on everything ingame, "growing from" and expanding the Rulebook)
Tutorial (we seek to have these uptodate but in the end cannot guarantee even that)
Crypto Kingdom Rulebook V.2.01. PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT
Crypto Kingdom Rulebook v.2.0 attempts to define the central concepts of Crypto Kingdom. The reader is expected to have understood the document "Prior notice on what should be expected to happen on certain situations". This is not an "agreement". The information provided is assumed current at the time of publication. No rights are reserved.
2. CRYPTO KINGDOMCrypto Kingdom (CK) is an imaginary world, defined as the "State of the World", a dataset listing the status of characters, land, buildings and items. It is used via Interfaces, the one here is Ultima Gaming Platform, but others exist for humans and programs.
Residents (accounts) in CK may own gold (CKG). The owners of CKG choose the Town Council (TC), the body that governs the World in many central aspects:
- Collectively as TC, deciding the Rules of the Game;
- By selecting Mayor, who coordinates the Town Corporation. The Town Corporation is an ingame character with taxing rights;
- By selecting Lead Designer, who coordinates the design of the game and development of Ultima platform, the in-house gaming software;
- By selecting Gamemaster (GM), who coordinates the work of admins, leads the events in the game, and is the final arbiter in "State of the World" disputes;
- King is independent of the Town and has a prominent position, but the rules governing the King are set by the Town.
As of now, the Mayor of CryptoTown is HH SirJacket of North Face, and the other 3 positions are occupied by HM The King (rpietila I of Crypto Kingdom).
3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYAll characters in CK including the Town and its associates, are responsible for their actions in CK, and may not disclaim liability. Disputes are settled in the judiciary system of CK, with King as the supreme judge.
Outside world has no domain of jurisdiction in the matters of CK, nor CK in those of outside world.
All information entered in CK is public domain.
Each character (Player Character, PC) has one account, each player may have many characters and thus accounts. Corporations and similar are characters, but not PC. They likewise have one account each. Do not confuse player (the controller) with character (the CK entity controlled).
Only characters can
Attributes and Traits
Skills (Personal, Labor, Management, Military, Scientific, Victory)
Character attributes are properties which increase the player bonding to the character, and/or enable customization to create a character that gets a head start towards a certain play style. A points system will be used for customization to ensure variety and fair start for non-depositing players. The price of points will rise exponentially to allow rich players to get good start but make it expensive. (This is fair because they are anyway able to spend their money to give them advantages, so the price will just be balanced with the other opportunities.)
Attributes are largely unchangeable during the lifetime of the character. GeneralAgeCan be 15-50. It is somewhat difficult to balance this because older characters have realistically earned their Masters, and are therefore capable to earn much money immediately, which is a call to character farmers who spawn free characters and earn 2 XMR per week with 10 minutes' work until they die in 3 weeks, and start over. This is not desired. Perhaps allow more than 30 years age only for depositors, or make higher age a kind of slow play where the character does not have much skills, but also starts with much better health than the age peers many of whom are dead already.
SexI don't know what to make of it. 95% of players are and will be men. Perhaps an unrealistic choice of completely disregarding the effects of gender on everything?
CHARACTER LEVELSCharacter level is an inherent and non-transferable property of a character. Only PC have a levels system, all corporations and other non-PC share the common level L0. A new player starts generally at level L1/L2 and may advance all the way to L20. Upon death, the character becomes Estate, which is a corporation, so the level also drops to L0. In HoF, the character retains the level he had at death. It is possible (but has never happened) that a character is demoted in level.
Town promotes Commoner levels up to L9 Grand Wizard. The promotion of Nobles is King's privilege only. King chooses his successor. The current Prince Royal is HRH The Archduke Zechariah of CK, played by the same as King. Below is a list of levels and their meanings.
Commoners - skill levelsL1 Visitor
L2 Stranger
L3 Beginner
L4 Novice
L5 Expert
L6 Master
Most new players start their game in L1-L2 range. The levels system is designed so as to offer a progression through skill/experience-based ranking from Beginner to Master in the normal lifetime of a commoner (age at start 15, life expectancy 45, so 30 weeks of play). Characters who do not receive external money (free players) should generally be able to reach L5 Expert or L6 Master before the character dies. The progress through these levels may be faster with active play.
Commoners - bonus levelsL7 Wizard
L8 Doctor
L9 Grand Wizard
Commoner bonus levels are for those commoners who play extraordinarily well. Since it takes long time active play to reach these levels, the characters are often old when this happens. L7 Wizard (actual title may be different) is a level for those excelling in artesan or related skills. L8 Doctor is for those excelling in knowledge and science. L9 Grand Wizard is for the actual magi, the demigods who enjoy independent gamemastery privileges in full harmony with the world.
Minor noblesL10 Jungherr
L11 Knight
L12 Baronet
L13 Baron
L10 Jungherr is any noble who is not yet 21 years old. L11 Knight is a level for those who have been Knighted in some or the Orders, or for other reasons. In the past, officers were Knighted. King has promised to promote to Knight all who reach 250 years of age. L12 Baronet is true to its historical equivalent, a buyable level costing 100 XMR. L13 Baron is the level in the "normal career path" for commoners. Typically prominent merchants, landowners and gold owners are promoted to Baron directly from L6 Master, skipping all the levels in between since they are special levels for special occasions. All the other minor nobles also mature towards Baron.
Landed noblesL14 Earl
L15 Marquess
L16 Prince
The landed nobles (LN) are the aristocracy of CK. As the name suggests, the LN hold fiefdom over the territories of CK (the Rural Land). This brings to them many responsibilities, especially after the Countryside module (in development). The qualification to be promoted Earl is being a long-term player and capable to take responsibility. L15 Marquess and L16 Prince are "only" honor-levels of Earls, with the most magnificent promoted after a long service. It is notable that Earldom is hereditary, so once you reach this level in one character, when it dies, you are entitled to retain the level. Lesser noble levels (or any other levels) are not hereditary. L16 holders have honorary address HE (His Excellency), which others may have in rare occasions only (YE, Your Excellency, when addressing directly). "Viscount" is a functional title, not a level, but can be regarded as being above Baron and below Earl. Even commoners may hold Viscounty if appointed by an Earl.
Dukes17 Duke
18 Grand Duke
Dukes are promoted from levels L14-L16. The promotion is not based on absolute magnificence but on need for Kingdom administration. Therefore it is possible to become a Duke as a leap-promotion (skipping eg. Prince). L18 Grand Duke is the highest non-royal level, with the most senior of Dukes occupying it. Dukes are addressed HH (His Highness).
Royal19 Archduke
20 King
L19 Archduke is reserved for the heir/s to the throne. It is a Royal level and addressed HRH (His Royal Highness). There may be several Archdukes whose order of succession is determined by edict. There may only be one L20 King (HM The King, His Majesty). When the King dies or abdicates, the first in succession becomes King and it is customary to seek Town affirmation for the act.
The practical importance of the levels is linear only inside a category, not across the whole system. The commoner bonus levels (L7-L9) overlap with the minor nobles (L10-L13), Princes (L16) are often wealthier than Dukes (L17), and Archdukes (L19) are only designated such based on the succession. The guiding principle in promoting commoners is skill. Barons are promoted based on wealth. Earls based on responsibility. Marquesses and Princes based on culture and gold. Dukes based on continuity of the game.
1.1.4. Decorations1.1.4.1. Definition
Decorations are signs of achievement, and can be added to your full title. They often include the token as well, which is separate from the decoration. The decoration may not be transferred and dies with the character (though some are hereditary and passed in practice with the player, and others can be recreated when the previous holder dies. Badges
Badges are signs of achievements, and range from easy (which will be awarded to everyone in their first year) to very hard (of which only a few exist in the Kingdom). They are always accompanied with copper tokens with badge type, minting year and no other parameters, so will become an interesting thing to collect (both the decorations, and the tokens) because of cheap price and large selection.
Existing "set of 6" badges that are currently unique items, will be converted to the new format, and the COT copper tokens that physically look like badges, as well. Medals
Medals differ physically from badges in that they are larger (copper: 50 g as opposed to 15 g), or made of precious metals, and are often minted to commemorate a certain event and can only be gained by participating in that event. Some medals include a decoration, others don't. MG-5 is a coveted medal that has the "MG-5" or "Medal of the Game, 5th class" decoration, but physically it is 50 grams of bronze. Some other medal might be 50 gram of gold but has no meaning in the decoration sense. "King's Hero Medal" is 50 gram of gold, and a decoration awarded to only 4 characters in the whole game.
Medals will be opened so that not only they can be minted by anyone against a fee, the "decoration part" giving authority will be given to Earls and certain institutions (Church, University), to be used wisely. Titles
No changes. Titles do not usually include a token. Honors
No changes. Orders
No changes. These will be rejuvenated, with not much practical meaning but they add status to whom it is due.
"Assets" refers to all contents of CK world which can be transferred ingame and thus "owned". These are Urban Land titles and Items.
Urban Land Title registry is part of the State of the World. Before acquiring Urban Land, it is important to check the local terms of the title. In general, GM events (such as war) can not affect the ownership of land, and the local administration does not hold eminent domain over it. There may still be mandatory taxes or building restrictions, and the refusal or inability to pay taxes may lead to loss of the land.
Items ownership is a transfer registry, similarly part of the State of the World. Items are subject to wear and destruction. Gamemaster may adjust the properties of items, add and delete items, and the value of items that is determined in the open market may change as a result of these changes.
Gold ownership is specially protected. More cannot be created at will by anyone, and gold can never be subject to tax or encumbrance, does not wear, cannot be stolen, etc.
Private depositories hold non-game virtual goods such as cryptocurrencies in proven storage and emit depository shares ingame so that the value of the shares is backed by and often convertible to the non-game assets they hold outside of the game. Using such depositories or holding their shares is at player's own risk. The ingame value of such depository shares depends on events outside CK domain, including embezzlement, hack, theft and seizure of the funds in deposit.
Town does not guarantee the market value of any item. Institutions ingame are responsible according to their respective TOS for the promises they make for their offerings, and will be prosecuted for breaches of contract.
Each character has one account, each player may have many characters and thus accounts.
The account will be terminated as an administrative procedure if:
- A few weeks neglect makes the character starve to death, after which the heir inherits the assets of the character. If death happened intestate, there is a 1 month grace period for the account holder to manage the estate of the deceased with original account. After this, the Town escheats the assets.
If you lose the password and have not entered any recovery information, this is what happens.
The account will be terminated as a punitive measure if:
- The character is convicted of Treason, and in major or repeated cases of Felony. Treason is defined as a wilful act, attempt or plot to undermine, corrupt, damage, compromise etc. of the CK's, (State of the) World's, Town's, King's, etc rule-bound authority, integrity or function. In addition to terminating the account, the character may be sentenced to death, and before that lose all assets and decorations.
- Illegal immigrants may be expelled without warning. Illegal immigration means mass character farming, especially if characters are bot-controlled, but only with proof that it is done for the purpose of monetary gain rather than to enjoy the game.
The account may be suspended (temporarily blocked):
- As a warning or punishment for Misdemeanor or Felony.
- As a safety measure if there is reason to believe an identity theft has occurred.
- If the account is used to flood the system or other similar activity.
- If the character is under investigation or trial for Felony or Treason "arrest". In this case the character will be kept alive by Town-appointed health manager at the character's expense and released if found not guilty or if the verdict does not include termination.
CK is designed to run perpetually, which is evident from its robust governance model and data structure, and having perpetual rules such as the gold generation script, which cannot be changed by any power inside or outside the game ever, and perpetual rights, such as the right to receive 100,000 m weekly per each consol item forever.
It is possible still that 1) hosting the state of the world becomes difficult due to eg. disruptions in Internet traffic or compartmentalization of the Internet, or 2) several key administrators disappear at once and Town management capability thus suffers, or 3) a data corruption attack has despite all precautions managed to corrupt the game state during extended time, or 4) a similar event.
There are very elaborate procedures that will be activated if such events occur occurs, too lengthy to be listed here. The short version is:
If anyone is willing to play CK, it continues to exist, and if no one is, it still continues to exist in dormancy, ready to be resumed, unless all memory of it is irrevocably destroyed. It is just imagination anyway - information in public domain.
In the case of CK, nobody reserves the right to discontinue the hosting of the game and cancel your account for no reason, and keep all your stuff. Rather, it is everybody's right to continue the hosting of the game, and your right to keep your stuff.
1.2. NPCIt is possible that the current NPC will need a reorganization once again, so that they will supply the bulk of the labor to the market during the time the PC are insufficient. The "owners" will get the money.
1.3. CorpNo changes.
2. Land
2.1. General2.2. Urban land2.2.1. SubdivisionNo changes.
2.3. Rural landRural land is held as a fief from the King, so the nominal owner is the (corporation) County of county_name, which is managed by the Earl (or his subordinate, Viscount). Possibly the country map will be left uncovered, not because it is technically hard to do it, but because changing it is difficult and we do not yet have enough information how best to make it. The Counties do not exist in definite physical locations, rather their parameters are general, including distance to CryptoTown and whether road exists. Economy will be simplified at this stage, but food production will largely move there, and building in the county center is possible.
3. Buildings
3.1. StructuresWe will start to have important previously vaguely implemented concepts such as rural roads. They will be mapped.
3.2. Buildings with floor area3.2.1. Preface
3.2.2. Datatype
3.2.3. Wood buildings
3.2.4. Modular Stone Buildings
3.2.5. Custom Stone Buildings
4. Game concepts4.1. Labor4.1.1. GeneralThe economy takes Labor as an indispensable input in
every quite many transformation process (eg. making vegetables from a field, or hunting deer, or keeping a large palace tidy). Labor is converted from time, and sold to the market where business owners buy it, or spent in your own businesses as is the case of small farms.
There are many types of labor, and when time is converted to a certain type, all bonuses are applied. Therefore, labor units are fungible despite the infinite number of different skill sets the characters have.
4.1.2. Types of Labor
We seek to have approximately the same number of labors as there are skills, but they don't map exactly. Several skills may boost the same type of labor effectiveness, and some skills are not labor skills. Further, certain skills when practiced to perfection, enable a higher detail skill as a bonus in higher levels. The possessor of this can choose to do the high detail work if it is available, but still has the lower skill as well as a backup.
TIMEThe game started in year A.D. 1400 (2014-10-10). The current era is early 1600s, with the time directly corresponding to outside world time as follows:
- Year changes every week (week changes between Sunday and Monday UTC).
- 2016-1-4 is the first month of A.D. 1621.
- The 7 weekdays of outside world correspond to 7 months in CK named (January, March, May, July, September, November, December).
- Each month has 24 days, each day 24 hours, 60 minutes each.
- Timestamps are in outside world time, easily convertible if needed.
GAME HISTORY AND ERASThe earliest period of the game as it was played, is called Ancient Era. Its beginnings are vague, but its ending is clear: A.D. 1599 is the final year of Ancient Era. No item may be backdated to Ancient Era nor gain the attribute Ancient, if it was not implemented to the DB at the close of the Ancient Era (2015-3). The Ancient Era is after-the-fact divisible to sub-eras such as:
Very Ancient (-1399)The game was not playable so only some "childhood items" remain (~200 in total)
Most Ancient (1400-1500)- Pre-CryptoTown (1400-1429) the game existed only as an ownership roll, with no town present
- Early Town (1430-1450) first buildings, golden jubilee
- Jousting (1451-1499) building of citadel, olden days town life in 1-C
Ancient (1500-1599)- Classical (1500-1519) expansion to 1-E
- Trust in Economy (1520-1549) building of 2-C , opening of B.2, B.3
- Great Depression (1550-1564)
- Cultural (1565-1599) growth in every possible way, B.4, B.5, B.7
Economy (1600-present)- Turmoil (1600) earthquake, cold, deaths, long year
- Reconstruction (1600-1610) earthquake rebuilt, great plague, B.6, B.8, B.9
- Unnamed (1611-present)
From Version 4: Economy (2015-1-18), gold is created to the players of the game regardless of level or possessions, roughly in proportion to their time spent online (inactivity does not count, and actual receiving of the gold requires solving of a captcha). Approximately $0.025 worth of gold will be created per hour played.
Gold is an income-producing asset, regardless of the form how the character chooses to keep it (in coins, jewelry, clothes, roofplates, ...).
The dividend is game-biennial (every 2 years; in real-time it means: once per day in Ancient era, once per every 24 days from Version 4: Economy). In the Ancient era the income is in the form of stone; from Economy onwards, it will be a share of the Town council surplus.
The city consists of a number of Boroughs (currently: 1, and it is expected that maximum 1 other will be opened during the Ancient era). The boroughs are located near each other but not immediately connecting. A borough is 450x300 meters in size.
One borough is subdivided into 9 chapelries (3x3 of them in a borough). This is the area that will fit into the city view screen in the coming mobile version.
A Quadrat (q) is a square of 10x10 meters. Each Chapelry has 10x15 = 150 quadrats. It is the smallest unit of land that can form or be part of a Lot.
A lot is a continuous area of one or more quadrats, belonging to the same owner, inside one chapelry. The real estate registry, and therefore trades, are made by lot, which includes everything built on it.
A Building must fit into one lot (adjoining buildings are allowed only according to administrator decision). It has a building year and several parameters.
An Apartment is a part of the building that has one or more Rooms, so that they are connected with each other by doors, and there is a door leading out (to a space connected to a public road via a route not requiring going to another apartment) from at least one of the rooms. The rental contracts are made by apartment.
An area enclosed by wall and ceiling and having a door. Living rooms are good to have a window also. Outside spaces such as gardens of the house are also technically treated as rooms.
In the later versions of the game, a room is the place where characters are located, and the characters in the same room can converse with each other.
City map and Building
The Nobles (Barons or higher) created in the ancient time are entitled to have a Haw in the town area. The significance of a haw is that there are:
- no building restrictions (except the ones dictated by the rules - physical limits and height limit) - and the property tax (instituted in Economy or later) is waived.
The haws are inside a created borough, but (may be) outside of the city walled area. They need therefore to be walled at the expense of the owner. The King grants the haws at the noble's request. One noble is entitled to one Haw, and it must be walled on the gameyear it is granted, by a wall minimum 3 m high. If it is adjoining a wall minimum 3 m high, that side need not be walled.
It is not intended that the building land itself is a limited resource. However, centrally located, Ancient, or nicely developed land will command a much higher price than partially developed boroughs. The city will expand to every direction from the initial borough.
The minimum price of land in the aftermarket can be derived from the public infrastructure (perimeter wall and roads). In the Ancient era, it is forbidden to build in any spaces that are not enclosed by a wall at least 3 meters high and 1 meter thick. If we consider that a chapelry (150 q) is walled around its outer perimeter with a wall, and 50 q of its area consists of roads or is reserved for the future public buildings, the money expended on this development, depending on the exact quality of the wall, makes the building land worth 2-3.5 XMR per quadrat.
GOVERNANCEThe World can be classified to consist of three types of entities:
- Kingdoms utilizing CK principles but doing it in an incompatible way as to not allow cooperation (0 exist)
- Kingdoms utilizing CK principles in a way that allows foreign trade and relations (0 exist)
Since these entities exist in their own servers, it is clear that Crypto Kingdom does not have any jurisdiction over them.
- Crypto Kingdom.
Inside Crypto Kingdom, there will soon by Counties, which reside in the common database but are in most respects including economic model, very independent. Operating a County requires promotion to Lx Earl, or being appointed by one.
Who has the gold, makes the rules.
The highest decision maker in Crypto Kingdom is the Town Council, who are selected by the holders of component resource gold, CKG (component resource is embedded in the items, so no matter what items are held, they all count as votes).
The number of seats in the Town council depends on how much CKG there is in the game:
1,000,000 - 1,999,999 => 6
2,000,000 - 3,999,999 => 7
4,000,000 - 7,999,999 => 8
and so on, doubling the CKG leads to one more seat existing in the council.
Seats will be filled with willing candidates that have the highest amount of gold backing them. Elections are periodical. The members of the Town council are called Councillors, who select a Mayor among them.
Town council has the authority to decide the rules of the game.
Town council is responsible for the costs of development of the game.
Town council appoints the Mayor to coordinate its activities and run the Town.
Town council appoints the Gamemaster to
Town council appoints the personnel necessary to design and develop the game, including Lead Designer and Lead Developer.
Town council
Administrator refers to any person, program, or character that is administering the game functions.
King has claimed all the land in Crypto Kingdom (an area much larger than the effective sphere of influence currently). All the Earls+ are required to make an oath of subservience to the King, in return of which they get the land as fief. Especially, the King is by birth the Duke of the Very Ancient Duchy, the area in which the habitation of CryptoTown is located. There is a deal in force that the King is bound to surrender land to the Town upon the latter's request for the expansion of the town, and be compensated 4,500 million per borough. (The town has in turn pledged to sell it to the highest bidder, and the unbid land listed for sale at double the price paid to the King.)
King is the Fount of Honor, and in this role he is the only one to grant Nobility (levels Lx Jungherr to L19 Archduke). He is the grandmaster (or equivalent) in most Orders of Chivalry, although some exist by Royal Prerogative and may appoint characters on their own.
King is the Supreme Justice in ingame grievancies. While the dispute resolution system in CK is in the state of case law, King decides what is right, or appoints the Tribunals and vests the powers upon them.
The Ancient Order of the King
The Ancient Order of the King (AOK) is a monarchic chivalric order established in 1418, with a limited membership of 24 characters. The membership is hereditary (exact rules on how this happens, will be introduced in Version 7: Family and Lineage). Therefore, after reaching the maximum number of members, new members can only be introduced in the rare case of an existing member is displumed (stripped of the honor due to grave offences) or if he dies childless (effectively discontinues playing the game).
The reigning King is the Grandmaster of the order (AOK-GM). Other ranks are:
Commander (AOK-C), minimum level L11 Marquis
Sergeant (AOK-S), minimum level L10 Earl
Knight (AOK-K), minimum level L8 Knight.
The award of AOK is accompanied by gifts from the King.
The Medal of the Game
The Medal of the Game (MG) is awarded by the Town council for "Developing the Game". It is hereditary and can be awarded in 5 classes:
1st class - may be awarded earliest when the game has 100,000 characters
2nd class
3rd class
4th class
5th class.
Badges are awarded automatically for ingame activities. They are not hereditary.
First builder (FBB) - only 20 awarded for first characters to build anything (one per char)
Castlebuilder (CB) - for building a castle (a building in min. 4 q lot enclosed by wall)
Homebuilder (HB) - when the character builds his first own house.
Order of wear
The King determines the order of wear of the honors, medals and badges, which currently is:
The game thread in Bitcointalk (highly recommended read daily for active play): game IRC channel is (will be moved to ingame "trollboxes" starting Version 2: Ancients):
#crypto-kingdom @
The Characters & Resources Database: