Think positively
In 2014, BTC is a high end investment vehicle, only those qualified sophisticated investors with deep technology pocket (Asic factories) can touch it, normal people will never understand it, just like most of the people do not understand how MBS and CDS could be bought by banks and funds all over the world and eventually crash the world's economy
MBS and CDS crashed because of over production of house. But BTC does not have such weakness, so it can outperform those complicated financial instruments and gain more popularity
I think the wall street will be the first place that mass adapt BTC. If BTC start to be accepted as a new saving medium, there will be continuously inflow from fiat currency to this medium, the price will rise steadily, give it more popularity in investment world
Today, people's saving in fiat currency have a big problem: There is no investment opportunity, the central bank push the rate to near zero and stimulate investment, thus hurt those saving accounts. But with BTC, there is no such problem, BTC's value will not be affected by central banks, it's a saving heaven. And this in turn give central banks more room to stimulate the economy without worring about inflation and negative impact on people's pension
Correct me if this scenario have some fatal flaw...
I think gold also act similar to BTC, but now when people put lot's of savings into gold, the gold price just keep flat, due to the production has increased a lot