According to the guy in the video: Currency needs to represent the value of society, economy and humanity.
Please, who can, told to him that bitcoin represent the first materialization of one of the most valuable technology developed by the human kind in him's story. This technology will change radically all the way of existence and the life of the entire society, economy and humanity. He must study and understand the value of peer to peer, its potential and its application power. Let do a simple search in internet to see who are applied this technology and to learn that this is only the begging. Maybe even the beginning is not yet arrived. And then give lessons about bitcoin or its production technology.
Telling word it is easy. No need to learn and study nothing. Just formulate the word you know or read at the newspapers. Telling thoughts is very difficult. Because every thought is product of knowledge and reasoning. That person in the video must learn to tell thoughts when speak in public to not become ridiculous.
But leaving the above things because can seems difficult to understand to him. I want to ask him only a question: what name can have something with which can be bought everything in market?