PPC ..an OLD POS coin.
Does it work ?
Well then go use it..
Now what again about continued development means it's BROKEN ?
This is repeated throughout crypto like a broken record by all of you.
I have ranted a million times to deaf ears.
Why do you all expect a coin to be in a permanent state of transition into something else ?
Do you code ?
I sure as fucking hell do and i learned some things..
One sure fire way to fuck up your program and to bloat it to hell & back
is to keep on tinkering with it.. needlessly !
If it ain't broke ? Don't fucking fix it.
So when i see comment # 5 million & 1 ask where is the "WhitePaper" & "Road Map"
i have to wonder what in gods name do you expect from a currency ?
Persistent 24/hrs a day development simply for the purpose of showing activity ?
All for the sole purpose of catering to Investards to reassure them there is activity ?
Is a coin dead unless it has ANY code update on Github per 24/hrs ?
If there is some part that needs* to be worked on then fine ask about that.
But that is never what were talking about.. clearly this topic is asking about general coding activity.
Then i wonder..
Does this old POS coin NEED SunnyKing to work on it ?
Can someone else step up when a TRULY big problem arises ?
An old coin with staying power would be fixed i have no doubt if it became broken.
I don't see the need to worry about it.
"DIRE" ?
Uhh how's that ?
See why Ethereum is getting popular ?
Continued *claims* active development..
Impossible goals ? Doesn't matter !
Boring ? It has Dapp's
Something to cling to for idiots ? yup complicated banter / jargon.
It's a shit coin idiot Investard Shitcointalk HappyMeal for greedy morons.
PPC is is fucked ?
What does that have to do with using it as a currency ?
I think you all forgot about your own personal responsibility.
You expect a coin to be coded 24/7 for life ..for TRADING (for YOUR profits)
Then you bad mouth the dev because the coin is not worth $1,000 each
This clearly is because of a lack of code updates and future Feature plans huh ?
At what point do you take the usable currency and go out and get it adopted by yourself or others ?
If a currency held by a group of users is not used i would not blame the currency maker for it's failure..
The Crypto "Platform" 2.0 crack / joke was pretty funny
Hey smart fuckers i got a little riddle for you.
Why is all coin code added to Github ?
No i don't have any of SunnyKing's coins and i have not for a year or two.
The Lame MP3 encoder has not had a new release since 2012 guys..
It's BRokeded !!!!11111ONE LIEKOMG