You have a strange system going here and a weird style to explain everything, I am confused.
With the 10% profit, I can sell 100 shares and get paid for 110 shares, right? With that money I can buy 110 shares and sell them, get paid for 121 and repeat?! Sounds strange, very strange!
you have a "strange" manner to explain my system I am confused as well about your saying.
But thanks,because you help me to talk about,so I hope it will be better understood.
What you say is not wrong,but we are in the share world...
Firstable you have to get shares...
then you can not chose how much shares you sell.
you can only sell the number of shares you could claim for free.
I understand what you mean,you mean that it is possible to repeat 100 times the selling buying with 10% profit and 10% more buyng selling.
This is not get always 10% profit,but you can only sell 100 shares...(or what is given by the system)
In fact it is so:
you claim for free 100 shares
yous sell 100 shares so you get 10 sahres and 100 satoshi
you claim 100 shares so you get 110 shares and 100 satoshi
you sell 100 shares and get 20 shares and 200 satoshi
you claim 100 shares so you get 120 shares and 200 satoshi
But do not forget that 100 shares is never fix...sometimes it is more...sometimes it is less
The selling system is in fact a possibility to "leave the boat"
Shares make dividends...if you sell shares:
Sold shares do not make dividend.
if you claim share for free you get 100% shares...
If you sell shares you get 10% shares...and satoshi for your shares...
As shareholder you have to chose what is the best for you...