API AccessAlmost all functionality provided by Banx.io exchange can be accessed through our API, allowing you to build automated, high-frequency services that interact with our platform.
www.Banx.io/apisCommunityBanx.io exchange has an active community who share tips and information in our chat box and private messaging. Join our community, meet fellow traders and make new friends. There are rewards to be won for contributing to the community including fee free trading, so get involved.
Built On The Best TechnologyBanx.io has been built using the latest technology including WebSockets, Distributed Caching, SQL Server 2014, Windows Server 2014, IIS 8+, and Fibre Connections. This site makes exhaustive use of new webbrowser technologies and requires a browser that supports this (websockets, cors, javascript, html5). We recommend the latest release of Google Chrome
www.caniuse.com can help provide additional information on supported browsers or click
HERE to run a simple browser check
Help centerhttps://banxcapital.zendesk.comChat Commands
//******* Pay Bans *******
Command: command usertoban amounttospend currency(BTC or USD)
Example: PayBan @Username 0.01 BTC
Example: PayBan @Username 10 USD
//******* Direct Message To User (Highlights the message for the receiver) *******
Command: @Username
Example: Hey @Someuser check this out
Person To Person Transfer
//******* Internal Transfer *******
Currencies page in the withdraw form instead of a wallet address use the desired recipients username prefixed with the @ symbol.
Command: @Username
Coin BTC
Amount 0.01
Address @Someuser
Pin 0000
and press the button to commit
//******* Rewards *******
Rewards are paid for referrals, trading, chatting. Rewards are paid in ATP (Atomic Points). ATP can be bought and sold like any other currency or earned from rewards. As more ATP is awarded the harder it becomes to earn and the more its worth. ATPs value is based on the fact that every 6 hours the system will pay you a variable percentage (percent increases with atp difficulty) of all the fees collected on the exchange.
Its feeshare that you earn.
Every hour the system has a lotto drawing and is currently paying a reward of 0.02 ATP. To enter the lotto simply buy any coin.
As of this moment the system is taking 45% of all fees collected and paying them out to ATP holders.
This is an un-official thread to help this friendly & professional exchange gain exposure and users.