What would be the most likely value taken to generate Server Seed in a provably fair game, if the value of random number generated by the script is known.
Please help
Generate a CPRNG value to use for the server seed, in C# use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class, random_bytes() in php, and the secrets.() class in python.
If you want to store that server seed to be revealed later in time, you should encrypt it using AES256 or higher with a complex encryption key and stored in a file system outside of the webserver contextual directories (So, don't store any keys in www/html, etc). If you want to get fancy and money is no object, you can buy a hardware device to do it for you (called an HSM).
If you're not concerned with overhead or ease of use, there's no need to keep re-using the same server seed. It just means that you can't reveal the server seed until a later point in time.