Most currencies will most probably go digital in the near future in one form or another. This will however not solve the one main problem and that is that they will still be centralised meaning that somebody somewhere will still have full control over them and as such also over your ability to use such a currency so you will always be dependent on them, whether you like it or not.
Money is designed to flow freely within and outside of country borders, yet governments and central banks are doing everything they can to enforce capital controls.
I think the only reason why central banks will be interested in digital currencies is because of the fact that they will have even better control over the currencies than what they have now over fiat currencies. Because of this I can see them fighting any other form of digital currency which interferes with this control so I'm not so sure whether bitcoin will be able to co-exist with other digital currencies (the fiat kind).
There are no real pressure from central banks at this stage to stop the use of bitcoin but I personally believe that we will see this in future as they will try and stamp out the use of bitcoin once they all have their own digital currencies in place. I think that we might see more pressure in the future from the realm of central banks to suppress the use of bitcoin.