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Author Topic: Will create autoit scripts for BTC!  (Read 2055 times)
GenTarkin (OP)
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November 10, 2012, 04:24:05 AM

So, first of all, this is quite new to me, far a actually being paid to write scripts.
Was recommended to make a post here by a trusted friend as a result of the work Ive done for him(KIDC) and others Ive helped in the community.
Im the author of some mining scripts .. one of them listed in the alt coin forum. The windows LTC stealth miner(written in autoit).

So, autoit can do a majority of things, actually nearly anything in a windows environment.
Autoit can automate UI's, keyboard, mouse,TCP, .. pretty much anything in windows. One of the features I love with autoit, is any script can be compiled into an exe that is 100% selfcontained, it doesnt rely on any runtimes etc...
Things autoit it is not designed for: high performance computing tasks, multithreaded work. Its slow, its designed for admin tasks. ~So dont ask me to write hashing software w/ it =P

Scripts for mining Ive written for myself and others - Ill describe briefly what each do:
-Couple cgminer watchdog scripts, they monitor cgminer and make sure its running, if not it starts it up. It also handles dead gpu polling in a variety of ways through the cgminer API.
It can either restart cgminer again if a deadgpu detected or restart cgminer w/ that particular GPU disabled(to keep stability issues to a minimum).
Also another feature in that same script is the ability to give it multiple cmd line arguments in the form of mining usernames & passwords. It then generates conf files for each of those pools and can rotate between them at a set interval. You update one config, they all get updated.
-Just got done w/ a project for work that entails a network shared sqlite database and several machines use it to display information to a UI created in autoit.
-some admin scripts written: polling HDD health & attributes via SMART, cleaning temp / junk files from HDD, force restart / shutdown windows, couple other ones for various tasks

So, Im offering my services in writing autoit scripts, keep in mind they only work on windows.

If you have a particular task needed done in windows, just post it here or PM me...Ill think it over and see if it can be done via autoit.
Im pretty busy so the scheduling of scripts completion will be whenever I can get it done. If I cant test your particular script on my machine, I will ask that the requesting party test it out and report any errors and I will make changes as necessary.
Work will be done on a "whats fair" basis. Since this is kinda new waters(far as being hired to code these scripts) for me, I have no idea what to ask for =P
I will provide the source. I will also provide a precompiled exe, in most cases compiled in 32bit(works for majority of scripting needs under 64bit OS)

Also, autoit compiled exe's can get caught on AV's sometimes. So, please feel free to test your exe's on

Anyways, thats it for now! Thanks =)

GenTarkin's MOD Kncminer Titan custom firmware! v1.0.4! -- !!NO LONGER AVAILABLE!!
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November 10, 2012, 04:43:15 AM

I just wanted to confirm the above - I paid 2.0 BTC a few hours ago for a cgminer/bfgminer watchdog script to check every 2 minutes (user definable) to see if it is still an active process - if it's crashed and closed out then it waits 30 seconds (something I requested to make sure FTDI bus for BitForce is clear) and restarts. I've been having a few problems with them crashing and am frequently asleep or at my dayjob so I couldn't get them restarted and I hate downtime. I decided to contact him to see if he was interested in making a watchdog script for me since I was having a lot of trouble trying to formulate my own. I've only had it running a few hours but I've tested it several times and it seems to work very well. He actually only asked for 1.0 BTC for his work but I was so happy that I decided to pay extra. Of course this script borrowed a lot of code from his "Doffx method" (as I like to call it) script for PuppetMaster, so he didn't need to spend a ton of time on it. Depending on how much work is necessary it could be much less fee or more - I can only recommend going on a case-by-case basis.

GenTarkin seems to be very knowledgeable with Autoit scripting and I imagine that if it's possible to do what you need with Autoit then he would know how to code it. I'll try to remember to post an update here for a quick review on his work sometime in the next few weeks but I don't expect to have any problems with it - it's quite straight forward and he got plenty of detail to know exactly what I needed.

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