I have no idea why his bitcoind was not functioning. I believe it was a windows permission problem.
He as able to download and install pywallet,
https://github.com/joric/pywalletExtracted the private keys
Then import the private key of the receive address into blockchain.info using the "sweep" method.
on Windows install
http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.2/python-2.7.2.msithen download and unzip
https://github.com/joric/pywallet/archive/master.zipunzip master.zip in you your "My Documents" folder
type "cmd" in the "run" box (above Start in Windows7)
also on windows 7 you'll need to run as administrator
so type "cmd" in the command box then hit "Ctrl+Shift + Enter"
Then hit "YES"
then in the command prompt (the black screen) navigate to to location of pywallet.py (it is in pywallet-master folder)
then type:
pywallet.py --password=your_password --dumpwallet > c:\wallet.txt
(only use "--password=your_password" if you walled it encrypted.)
you should now have a new file "wallet.txt" which is a PLAINTEXT list of every Public and Private Key in you wallet.
Find the Public Key or Keys you want to import (or you could import the whole wallet if you don't have more then a few hundred addressed in there)
Remember any funds you had in the wallet or in those individual address in that are now fully accessable to anyone who has access to that unencrypted plaintext wallet.txt file so be careful what you do with it.