I think there will be a huge pump and then it will settle at 400 and not go down this time. What in gods name has caused this? This is awesomeness really.
It will be better if will go even more high. To stay here it is is good but to go higher it will be the best. Who caused this? Who knows. For sure the higher demand. Maybe there is born another Silk Road which offer gold with good price. Or drugs in sale. If are those the reason it will be better if the price to go where it was. There will be again the fight of those and it will be another big down.
Anyhow, leaving away the jokes, I think that everything become from the Chinese market. There is a big demand here. I read in other threads that the price in Chinese exchanges is higher (not few) than in every other exchange. That mean big demand here and inability to the Chinese miners to satisfy this demand. To not forget that China has the big number of miners and some of the most biggers pools of mining. There are big hopes and strong signs that this trend can continue.