I'm not at all versed in Indian law or the Indian Constitution. However, the Indian Constitution is based on English common law. Because of this, any man or woman in India can enter the courts as a man or woman (probably some form of Queen's Bench) and stand as such, based on harm or damage done to others.
The point is, common law is the everyday law of the people in any specific area. It is entirely separate from the legal system. Common law rules over the legal system. Why? Because common law is the law of man to man, and people are all created equal in their "me" identity.
Legal is the law of paperwork against man. Paperwork never gets up and does anything. It is always men and women that do something. Thus, common law trumps legal law.
However, if people don't know this, and if lawyers are shrewd enough to sell the people on being under the legal system, then it is the people themselves, by their own individual belief (they believed the lawyers), wherein they place themselves subservient to paperwork called the legal system.
If you are truly interested in common law, go to
http://www.myprivateaudio.com/Karl-Lentz.html and watch the video at the top right of the page, where Karl Lentz explains how he invoked Queens Bench (common law) in England, on behalf of some Punjabi Indians living in England, and got them off scott free.