November 16, 2012, 10:11:55 AM |
1 In the beginning accounts were formless and empty, poverty was onto the 99%, and the Spirit of Satoshi was hovering over the hungry.
2 And Satoshi said, "Let there be a white paper to instill hope in the hopeless" and there was a white paper. Satoshi saw the white paper was good and he seperated the hopefull from the hopeless. And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
3 And Satoshi said, “Let there be a protocol implementation to provide the needy.” So Satoshi implemented the protocol and separated the needy from the needless. And it was so. And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.
4 And Satoshi said, “Let there be a coins.” And it was so. Satoshi made the coins and separated the rich from the poor. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
5 And a whole lot of nothing happened for quite a while. In fact it was pretty boring.
6 And lo, a journalist spoke onto the masses: "Go thou to the place of Bitcoins, where Satoshi bore an end to hunger and bears freedom still."
7 And the masses went to the place of Bitcoins to see Satoshi and Satoshi spoke upon them: "What the heck? Wow, ok, that's a whole lot of people. OK, everyone! Listen, this is an EXPERIMENT. It is not meant to be used in earnest. Hello? Anyone listening? Helloooooo? Screw this shit, I'm going home. My people need me." And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.