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Author Topic: Make me a book/pirate symbol in BBCode  (Read 506 times)
mexxer-2 (OP)
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November 18, 2015, 08:19:28 AM
Last edit: November 18, 2015, 08:36:22 AM by mexxer-2

I want something like this in BBCode of a book or a pirate symbol:
Paying 0.01 for the best one
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November 18, 2015, 08:31:50 AM
Last edit: November 18, 2015, 09:53:27 AM by SFR10

Not sure exactly what your asking here but isn't that's already in BBCode and you already have the code or am I missing something here? You want it to be modified and tweaked? or from scratch with something else instead?

Edit: found out your asking for a book symbol, the context is a bit miss leading

Edit 2:
I want a Book symbol in BBCode, the Bitcoin symbol(in BBCode) was for reference of size,color and etc. And well , working from scratch is the only way IMO.
Got it, I will start making it

Edit 3:
Here's what I came up with, codes will be sent if chosen



mexxer-2 (OP)
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November 18, 2015, 08:34:34 AM

Not sure exactly what your asking here but isn't that's already in BBCode and you already have the code or am I missing something here? You want it to be modified and tweaked? or from scratch with something else instead?
I want a Book symbol in BBCode, the Bitcoin symbol(in BBCode) was for reference of size,color and etc. And well , working from scratch is the only way IMO.
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November 18, 2015, 08:47:38 AM

I want something like this in BBCode of a book or a pirate symbol

A book would be much easier than "Skull and Crossbones" symbol. If you couldn't find anyone to create that for you, PM me. I created that coin "image" you quoted.
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November 18, 2015, 11:11:15 AM

What do you think of this? Maybe someone can improve it?

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mexxer-2 (OP)
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November 18, 2015, 11:13:13 AM

What do you think of this? Maybe someone can improve it?
Thanks for the effort mate, but the code is too large to fit in my signature space.
Revelation Machine
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November 18, 2015, 11:44:23 AM

What do you think of this? Maybe someone can improve it?
Thanks for the effort mate, but the code is too large to fit in my signature space.
Why don't you hire someone to do the entire thing for you?
I have seen some services that offer signature design.
mexxer-2 (OP)
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November 18, 2015, 11:46:55 AM

Why don't you hire someone to do the entire thing for you?
I have seen some services that offer signature design.
Cause I wanna save money? Duh! Anyway thread is going to be closed soon, SFR10 made it, just have to figure out why the heck the code isn't working when I implement in the existing one.
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