I don't think it's that clear cut. The Airbnb/ Uber model only lives because even though they often fly in the face of regulation, it's not something the average legislator cares all that much about.
It's a whole different ball game when there's money involved. You may have noticed that you're instantly buried under a mountain of onerous requirements.
There is money involved in AirBnB versus traditional taxis, the cost of plates is significant and limits the amount of taxis breaking the monopoly by having a on demand service is the natural evolution to transit with relative safety for the most part at least not much more riskier than having a stranger ride in your taxi/car although there are still cases where people beat others up of course like that CEO a while back.
For Bitcoin the technology is there to compete and replace some jobs so it would be a potential threat to the current establishment or they might try to use it hence Blockchain.