Hey guys, i'm a little interested with the history of the blockchain. So I've come up with a few questions:
Who mined the first block?
Satoshi Nakamoto.
Can I find information on the first block on blockchain.info?
https://blockchain.info/block/000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f The coins can't be spent ever though.
How long did it take to mine the first block?
Not sure. It took him 6 days to mine the second block and on. He probably stopped mining after the first block for a while. After the rest, blocks were more frequent.
How many miners were mining the first block?
No one can tell.
What was the first ever bitcoin mining pool?
First public pool is slush pool.
Which was the first pool mined block?
Miners can choose not to label. But the first block mined by slush pool is this: