I have 2 accounts for sale right now...
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1251072The price? Satoshiquiz estimates them both over 0.2
BTC, but i'll take (much) lower bids
Since there is a crusade agains account sellers and sold accounts recently, i'm relucatant to give more info... They're both from loan defaults, and i'm holding onto them for over a month now... AFAIK, they've never been banned, and i have some sort of signed message for both.
AFAIK: they were not banned, have no other open loans, neutral trust from DT
You are selling me potential senior member? If that so it is overprice then
maybe you interesting with pot activity account
the pot activity is over than 280, full member rank
no ban, no pending loan, neutral trust
Depend on how much do you sell it. PM me the price