Activity: 1848
Merit: 1009
Next-Gen Trade Racing Metaverse
December 27, 2015, 08:53:46 AM |
As the title says....
What products would you like to buy online with your BTC? Anything that is not yet available?
Well if you're gonna use a reloadable bitcoin debit card you'd be able to buy almost anything. But @ontopic, I'd really like to be able to reserve and book restaurants and such here in my country using BTCBTCBTC
December 28, 2015, 05:02:03 PM |
Probably some real life items...
You mean physical stuffs like shoes, gadgets, hardwares etc. ? Well that's definitely available nowadays. There's plenty of sites and merchants that offer physical stuffs in exchange of bitcoin or accepts bitcoin as payment. Overstock and dutyfreedigital were good example of sites that sell physical stuffs and accept BTC as a payment..
December 29, 2015, 08:11:09 AM |
I wish I could buy my groceries with Bitcoin. Other than that, I can buy pretty much everything I want with Bitcoin. I can buy games and gaming equipment. I also wish I could buy clothes with Bitcoin. Somethings I can pay with fiat so it is fine anyways. Well... as usual, If theres a chance I would like to buy a new guitar and other guitar stuffs with it...unfortunately, I need to cash it out if I have to because I haven't seen any music stores here that accepts bitcoins...  There are just somethings you can't buy with Bitcoin. Most stores don't accept Bitcoin yet, so I wouldn't expect music stores to accept Bitcoin.
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December 29, 2015, 06:33:00 PM |
I've always like to buy a car online with bitcoin.
Suire it's a big investments, But if we can buy big things with bitcoin, it meanse bitcoin has been progressed to the next level as a payment system.
Rizky Aditya
January 02, 2016, 08:51:15 AM |
I would like to buy my groceries and be able to walk into a gas station and then pay my bill with bitcoin. Other than that, I can buy all I need with bitcoin.
kevin go
January 02, 2016, 08:56:10 AM |
Buy anything possible...for example buy a car,house,food,groceries and etc... i think it will be very happy
January 02, 2016, 10:08:29 AM |
I would like to buy my groceries and be able to walk into a gas station and then pay my bill with bitcoin. Other than that, I can buy all I need with bitcoin.
I think amazon offers this ability to buy groceries online and have them delivered (not by drone  ) The payment system I don't know if accept bitcoin but it is worth it too see if they do anyways.
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Full Member
Activity: 149
Merit: 100
Solar Bitcoin Specialist
January 02, 2016, 08:21:15 PM |
UK income tax modified by the honesty ratio: (schools+NHS+police+fire+army)*1.20 / (2015 total uk government expenditure)
The x1.2 allows +20% to run the tax office and the civil service and any other intangibles spent by our government.
Is there anything else essential which should go within the brackets of the numerator of an honesty ratio? Please declare your profession if, for example, you are an MP and think that expenses for MP's are essential and need to be included.
January 03, 2016, 12:31:04 PM |
I would like to buy anything in my daily life with bitcoin, like foods, drinks, house, toilet paper, car, etc
I know you can do it now, but it's not universally available for any shop.
January 14, 2016, 06:45:29 PM |
strippers - of course - all colors and sizes. just have them shipped to my door and I'll do the rest of the work from there on.
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January 14, 2016, 06:46:29 PM |
if you want to buy anything with BTC - you can - and I'll deliver them to you for a small fee
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Activity: 1414
Merit: 1008
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
January 16, 2016, 07:02:29 PM |
Bike.. I have craze for bikes.. I would like to buy a bike online using bitcoins
January 16, 2016, 09:43:17 PM |
If i could buy a car with bitcoin It would mean we've have achieve something real. For a car shop to accept bitcoins means bitcoin has gone mainstream.
January 17, 2016, 11:33:47 AM |
If i could buy a car with bitcoin It would mean we've have achieve something real. For a car shop to accept bitcoins means bitcoin has gone mainstream.
Well I think bitcoin already achieved something real long years ago Check out this article posted on late 2013 But I think bitcoin is not yet on mainstream, its still on process
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1030
I'm looking for free spin.
January 17, 2016, 01:23:00 PM |
I think for me i would like to buy anything with btc like foods ,pay for transport ,buy house, game console and anything. We know that we always bring our phone with installed bitcoin wallet that can use it for payment anything in the world. I hope it will happen in near future..
Decided to end it with zer0 profit.
January 17, 2016, 10:43:46 PM |
I would like to use bitcoin for all my transaction. Buying stuff for my house, work and even using bitcoin to buy a holiday. It would be great if this would be possible some day.
January 18, 2016, 05:08:56 AM |
i want use all mybtc for buy games 
January 18, 2016, 05:21:17 AM |
I would like to buy everything... (yes evr-eh-thang). Seriously though, I would like it to be the digital cash that it was meant to be. I'd like to make payments, shop anywhere, exchange funds... buy/sell real estate, whatever money can buy.
There 'used' to be more truth in forums than anywhere else. Twitter: @cryptobitchicks Spock: "I am expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously. To which are you referring?" INTJ-A
January 18, 2016, 08:54:38 AM |
I would like to buy my groceries and be able to walk into a gas station and then pay my bill with bitcoin. Other than that, I can buy all I need with bitcoin.
Are you sure In your city Is it possible to use bitcoins in groceries and gasoline station. But here in my city Its not a possible things. I am just using bitcoins in online purchase and to exchange the fiat only.
January 18, 2016, 10:42:21 PM |
Having bitcoin and use it for fashion items would be great.
Not just online but buy shoes in my favourite shoe outlet. This is what I am waiting for.