Loan amount: 0.005
Repayment: 0.01
Date: 1-2 days from now.
Collateral: My account. According to all the bitcointalk account price estimators it's worth 0.008 lol.
Excellent posting quality, clean posts, etc.
I can try to repay you earlier.
Address: Disclosed if anyone is interested.
Lol... Your Account is Worth 0.00000 BTC...
Got your answer ?
Lock this thread and go away before your trust ratings Goes RED !!!!
Then your account would be worth Negative (-0.00000) BTC..
anyways it doesnot matters for you..
you will come again and run again..
its a Passtime for you.. I m sure 90% Of the newbies who post In Lending or currency exchange threads are scammers and if someone bust them then obviously they are back with a Brand new account like you ))))