1st: Go to:
http://bitnodes.21.co/2nd: Choose closest nodes to you (by country)
3rd: copy ip address and port for instance: ""
4th: On the bitcoin core: Click Help -> Debug window -> Console and type this: addnode ip:port onetry
For instance: "addnode onetry" (don't forget to hit enter.
I suggest you to add 3 or 4 nodes like this. Then wait for syncing.
Don't do this shitposter's shitadvice.
Try quitting Bt-Core and rerunning the wallet with the -reindex option from your opreating system's command line.
You might be right. However, I don't find it probable that all the 8 node do not have block height higher than the OP. OP, please go to the peers and check if they have a ping or a higher block height. If they have a ping but no higher block height, try cakir's method. If they do not have a ping, try tom's method and reindex.
Don't dish out accusations randomly. I'm not sure about his post quality but he may very well be right. There are several instances which I helped others to solve it with reindex and my VPS had such a problem too. If it doesn't work, please post the debug.log.