Hi guys. I would like to preface by saying many thanks to those willing to take time to help me set up my device.
It takes time and effort on your part and I understand and appreciate that. I also am grateful to those that want to help but leads no where. The BTC community is a great one to join and I am proud to say this is my first post.
Okay my problem:
I have a macbook pro. 2015 model. Graphics card:Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB. Processor:2.7 GHz Intel Core i5. RAM:8GB
I want to use MacMiner to mine using both my GPU and my CPU but when I try to use the recommended settings. i.e. default it does not work. I get an error like this for the CPU miner:
[2015-12-05 17:32:21] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://us2.litecoinpool.org:3333
[2015-12-05 17:32:21] 1 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2015-12-05 17:32:21] Stratum authentication failed
[2015-12-05 17:32:21] ...retry after 30 seconds
and this for the GPU miner:
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] Started bfgminer 5.3.0-unknown
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] Loaded configuration file /Users/hadimorrow/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] CL Platform 0 vendor: Apple
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] CL Platform 0 name: Apple
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.2 (May 10 2015 19:38:45)
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] Platform 0 devices: 1
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] 0 Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 6100
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] Unable to load ati adl library
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] Probing for an alive pool
[2015-12-05 17:33:07] Testing pool stratum+tcp://us2.litecoinpool.org:3333
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] pool 0 JSON stratum auth failed: (null)
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2015-12-05 17:33:13] Pool: 0 URL: stratum+tcp://us2.litecoinpool.org:3333 User: hamster.hamster Password: 50
No servers could be used! Exiting.
Now I have done weeks of research on these threads and finally gave up and am asking now.
How can I get this going right? And what setting would I need or any drivers? I am relatively new and need a step by step.
Also I used bfminer and with that i just get a blank screen and get the same stratum server failure error.
I can't remember what I typed but it had an -S ..:all in it and it showed me that for bfgminer no devices were detected.
With cgminer same issue. No devises detected.
Final wrap up question. What would be the best software to use? Mac miner bfgminer or cgminer in my case. And how can I configure for maximum efficiency.
Final comments: I used stratum+tcp://us2.litecoinpool.org:3333 -u USER.Name -p PASSWORD
USER: was my user login name for the pool
Name:Worker name at the given pool
PASSWORD: Password for that worker at that given pool.
So please can someone help? I am spinning my wheels here.