That doesn't tell me they've used their service to buy bitcoins.
Why is it he wants to talk to Yankee? Why does it matter that bitinstant is large or not?
Seeing the lousy way the OP explained why he needed help why should I assume he used bitinstant in the first place?
Maybe he's confusing them with some other company. After all this is, not, and he did come here asking for help...
True, I made some assumptions there. Regardless, we are in agreement that OP was rude, obnoxious, hostile, and largely incoherent. He seems to have successfully contacted Yankee, and claims that he has now deleted his account. At this point we're just left with the few of us that took the time to take a look at the thread shaking our heads.
It's sort of like a wild tiger came crashing in through our kitchen window, growled at everyone eating dinner, and then dashed out the front door disappearing into the wilderness. We can all talk about the details of what just happened, but the tiger is long gone and really doesn't care what any of us say about it.
+1 for the tiger metaphor. Tigers are awesome. They're all like "FUCK YOU, I'M A TIGER, BITCH! RECOGNIZE!"