full of ads. not a clean side. Can`t even find the box to paste my wallet. waste of time.
You need to register first then you can claim very easy min 1000 satoshis every hour! I will clean some ads BUT im sharing allot off bitcoins cause i have allot off advertising campains on my site... (thats the point off a faucet) i can remove more ads but then i can give like 400/500 satoshis every hour (check moonbit they give the most bitcoins to all the members at once but they have allot off ads to) otherwise we can share that many coins..
now i share min 1000 2000 2500 5000 8000 250000 and 0.01% change to win 18000000 satoshis.
im bussy with a new script (the users will be transfered and balance to so dont need to wurry!) that will look way better and free lottery etc etc just have patiance! so far i payed always on time to my members and always more then 100000 satoshis! payment proofs are added with blockchain link.
have fun and let me know what ads you want to see removed